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Definition of a bisnotch

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'alternative spellings or pronunciations (list of)':

Definitions include: "probably".
Definitions include: acronym for "Too Embarrassed To Buy In The Shops".
Definitions include: "vagina".
Definitions include: "because."
Definitions include: acronym for "Very Important Person."
Definitions include: acronym for "from the article."
Definitions include: spelling variant of "moola", meaning money.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "hoopty".
Definitions include: alternate spelling/pronunciation of "bitch.
Definitions include: "tonight".
Definitions include: "go fuck (one's self)".
Definitions include: shortened form of "paragraph".
Definitions include: without marijuana.
Definitions include: short for "fugly", which is short for "fucking ugly."
Definitions include: acronym for "piece of shit".

Other terms relating to 'uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of)':

Definitions include: a person who is silly.
Definitions include: "mother fucker".
Definitions include: a disliked person.
Definitions include: a general insult, usually applied to females.
Definitions include: an insult.
Definitions include: a useless or low-class person.
Definitions include: a disliked person.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: a bad person.
Definitions include: a person who is a "twat" + a "cunt".
Definitions include: an unkind person; "jerk"; "ass".
Definitions include: a bad person.
Definitions include: external female genitalia.
Definitions include: a general insult.
Definitions include: a sick (demented) fuck (despicable person.)

Other terms relating to 'woman, women, female':

Definitions include: a non-Jewish female.
Definitions include: girls; women.
Definitions include: a person being used in a relationship sense for money or what they can do for the user.
Definitions include: an unattractive female.
Definitions include: vagina.
Definitions include: "female for female."
Definitions include: acronym for "mom I'd fuck" - that is, an attractive older woman.
Definitions include: unattractive girl... not appealing sexually.
Definitions include: a female who is inattentive or forgetful: "spaced-out."
Definitions include: a female friend.
Definitions include: a white female with attractive, large buttocks.
Definitions include: pretty, cute or hot girl.
Definitions include: general derogatory term for a female.
Definitions include: an unpleasant female; bitch.
Definitions include: From Helen of Troy, described by Christopher Marlowe as having "the face that launched a thousand ships."

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: to drive while having illegal drugs in the vehicle, or to drive while speeding, or to drive without insurance or a license, etc.
Definitions include: to evict one's roommate for the purpose of having sex
Definitions include: A male who moves in on and takes the attention of a female away from another male that she was potentially interested in.
Definitions include: an unattractive female.
Definitions include: shortened form of Jebus.
Definitions include: a promiscuous female.
Definitions include: acronym for "talk to you tomorrow".
Definitions include: delighted.
Definitions include: phrase described to phoning someone.
Definitions include: Donald Trump Puppets

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 9 votes: 67%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="">a bisnotch</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ a bisnotch]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.