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Definition of a BJ

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Other terms relating to 'acronyms (list of)':

Definitions include: acronym for "laughing my rear off" or "laughing my rump off".
Definitions include: acronym for "Head Nigga In Charge."
Definitions include: acronym for "direct message".
Definitions include: acronym for "real life".
Definitions include: displeasing; "uncool".
Definitions include: acronym for "long-distance relationship".
Definitions include: acronym of "titty hard-on," meaning erect nipples.
Definitions include: "boyfriend."
Definitions include: acronym for "in real life".
Definitions include: acronym for "Read the fucking manual."
Definitions include: acronym for "oh my God, what the fuck, barbecue."
Definitions include: acronym for "fresh off [the] boat".
Definitions include: acronym for "bitch from hell".
Definitions include: acronym for "to the best of my knowledge."
Definitions include: "mountain bike".

Other terms relating to 'fellatio, 'blowjob'':

Definitions include: oral sex received during defacation
Definitions include: to perform oral sex.
Definitions include: to perform fellatio.
Definitions include: to fellate.
Definitions include: a woman's pot-belly, specifically from below belly-button to lower hips.
Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: to perform oral sex on a male.
Definitions include: for a male to receive oral sex.
Definitions include: to be inadequate, displeasing, or of poor quality.
Definitions include: a session of fellatio; "blowjob".
Definitions include: to swallow a man's ejaculate during oral sex.
Definitions include: an angry retort; "bite me".
Definitions include: a dirty or unpleasant task that one must do since it is part of one's share of the work, and that others have taken their turn doing before them.
Definitions include: an alcoholic beverage consumed "on the road" (i.e. in a vehicle.)
Definitions include: a female yuppie, often living in the suburbs; "soccer mom".

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'blowjob':

Definitions include: fellatio.
Definitions include: a blowjob from a person with braces.

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Average of 130 votes: 58%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a BJ</a>

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[ a BJ]

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