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Definition of a BMOC



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Other terms relating to 'acronyms (list of)':

Definitions include: Alternate spelling of own.
Definitions include: acronym for "thank you so much".
Definitions include: acronym for "looks good to me".
Definitions include: acronym for "so far so good".
Definitions include: acronym for "toilet paper."
Definitions include: "alright".
Definitions include: acronym for "burned out old fart".
Definitions include: acronym for "just shaking my head".
Definitions include: acronym for "who's bad, who's not".
Definitions include: colloquial pronunciation of fool.
Definitions include: acronym for "with respect to."
Definitions include: acronym for "love you".
Definitions include: acronym for jail bait.
Definitions include: excellent.
Definitions include: acronym for "for future reference".

Other terms relating to 'cool, important, popular person':

Definitions include: to "represent".
Definitions include: "mother fucker".
Definitions include: an unintelligent celebrity.
Definitions include: in support of.
Definitions include: a person who is good at arousing sexual interest in another person.
Definitions include: a formidable person.
Definitions include: to be in the in crowd, cool.
Definitions include: a person on the a-list.
Definitions include: any group that oppresses.
Definitions include: a male talented in attracting females.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of mother fucker.
Definitions include: exclamation of excitement.
Definitions include: a man popular with women.
Definitions include: see about it.
Definitions include: to be admired by men and women. To have a lot of money.

Other terms relating to 'school (related to)':

Definitions include: homework.
Definitions include: shortened form of "full-ride scholarship".
Definitions include: Skipping school, missing classes, taking as extended lunch, skipping out of work for the day/afternoon just to have fun.
Definitions include: a student who has completed all parts of advanced education with the exception of completing, presenting, and defending their dissertation.
Definitions include: business school.
Definitions include: to invent ideas and solutions, usually by coming up with as many as possible while not rejecting any out of hand.
Definitions include: a leg.
Definitions include: "goes in to".
Definitions include: a college or university applied to that is sure to accept the applicant, in case the applicant is rejected by all other schools applied to.
Definitions include: acronym for "all but dissertation".
Definitions include: "organic chemistry".
Definitions include: a beginner's course.
Definitions include: to study to excess or to be over-competitive in school-work.
Definitions include: a hidden piece of paper with information used to cheat on a test.
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "trigonometry".

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'big':

Definitions include: acronym for "big black cock".
Definitions include: acronym for "big black dick".
Definitions include: acronym for "big beautiful woman".
Definitions include: acronym of "big fucking deal."
Definitions include: mature.
Definitions include: a man who is big, dumb and macho but generally harmless and nice.
Definitions include: New York City.
Definitions include: to move into a group and try to take over; to throw one's weight around; to play the role of "main man" by bullying others.
Definitions include: a big time big money crack dealer.
Definitions include: outdoors, during the day.
Definitions include: euphemism for overweight.
Definitions include: a person with a humongous butt.
Definitions include: a large amount of money.
Definitions include: an important person.
Definitions include: the best at something; "the man".

Other terms relating to 'man':

Definitions include: a man with an extremely large penis.
Definitions include: of course; definitely.
Definitions include: "assistant manager".
Definitions include: the man who a cheating spouse sees on the side.
Definitions include: clitoris.
Definitions include: a person who sells fake drugs.
Definitions include: a handsome man
Definitions include: fuck man.
Definitions include: to have sex
Definitions include: a US government agent, e.g. FBI agent.
Definitions include: a hired killer; "hit man".
Definitions include: human feces.
Definitions include: a man who is successful with women.
Definitions include: a man popular with women.
Definitions include: an alleged combination of symptoms said to affect short men.

Other terms relating to 'on':

Definitions include: seemingly accidental but with a secret motive.
Definitions include: secret sexual activity with a person other than one's partner.
Definitions include: See on (one's) plate.
Definitions include: useless.
Definitions include: absolutely futile; pointless, worthless, inept or absurd; good-for-nothing or idiotic.
Definitions include: doing better after an unfavorable event.
Definitions include: returned to one's meth or crack addiction.
Definitions include: to insult for fun; "make fun of".
Definitions include: to leave (a relationship) or abandon.
Definitions include: to attempt to attract verbally; "hit on".
Definitions include: to test something before it is released or presented.
Definitions include: See barge in.
Definitions include: used to describe a person that is angry and is scolding at someone.
Definitions include: to be involved with.
Definitions include: to be present in large numbers.

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