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Definition of a coaster

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'broken':

Definitions include: to be vastly superior.
Definitions include: broken or ruined.
Definitions include: to die.
Definitions include: broken or functioning poorly or improperly; "messed up".
Definitions include: "Bollocks" is also the present tense and plural form of bollock.
Definitions include: To reject or refuse, often in an abrupt or forceful manner.
Definitions include: to stop working.
Definitions include: malfunctioning.
Definitions include: great.
Definitions include: extremely muscular.
Definitions include: "messed."
Definitions include: Messed up, wrong, not working correctly.
Definitions include: to use one or more kludges (as described in the noun sense) to solve a problem.
Definitions include: to not follow through or to cancel last minute or with little notice.
Definitions include: broken; ruined.

Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: Details are available in the entry for swap.
Definitions include: acronym for "take your time".
Definitions include: "probably".
Definitions include: personal information about a person (for example: their real name, home address, phone number) that has been released on the web.
Definitions include: pure methamphetamine.
Definitions include: acronym for "cannot be unseen".
Definitions include: acronym for "no big deal".
Definitions include: "I love you too".
Definitions include: "baby".
Definitions include: acronym for "that feeling when".
Definitions include: a declaration of victory or superiority.
Definitions include: to terminate an account because the account-holder violated the Terms of Service.
Definitions include: By analogy from the same-named measurement in analog electronics.
Definitions include: acronym for "too long; will read later".
Definitions include: to be under the influence of drugs.

Other terms relating to 'junk, garbage, trash, useless items':

Definitions include: low-quality software.
Definitions include: software that was purchased or written, but never used.
Definitions include: junk or salvage yards
Definitions include: tattoo.
Definitions include: unwanted optical media (e.g. CDs) received as junk mail.
Definitions include: to throw away, i.e. put into a trash bin.

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: fellatio followed by anal or vaginal intercourse.
Definitions include: acronym for "I am not a medical doctor".
Definitions include: phonetic abbreviation for "What the Fuck?"
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: acronym for "if I understand correctly".
Definitions include: a post to a blog that is about an article elsewhere on the web.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: used to express displeasure, disagreement, disappointment, or disgust.
Definitions include: "without."
Definitions include: a knit cap worn in winter by males

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Average of 18 votes: 16%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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Link to this slang definition

To link to this term in a web page or blog, insert the following.

<a href="">a coaster</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ a coaster]

Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation.