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Definition of a hack

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'bad, poor, sucks, common, generally displeasing':

Definitions include: disappointing.
Definitions include: of poor taste or style.
Definitions include: a piece of fecal matter; "loaf".
Definitions include: very bad.
Definitions include: mean or disrespectful.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: sexual contact.
Definitions include: of a situation, very bad.
Definitions include: displeasing.
Definitions include: inadequate or displeasing.
Definitions include: a hack or involving a hack.
Definitions include: boring.
Definitions include: bad, old, worn-out, or stupid.
Definitions include: "stupid".
Definitions include: of poor quality, unusable, intolerable.

Other terms relating to 'business (related to)':

Definitions include: of an entire task, the easy portions.
Definitions include: support.
Definitions include: easy or unchallenging.
Definitions include: as a greeting, a rhetorical question asking about what's happening.
Definitions include: "specification".
Definitions include: work (in a professional or educational setting) that is designed to keep a person busy, but to not permit that person to accomplish anything of note.
Definitions include: more than ramen profitable.
Definitions include: a break in the workday when employees gather to ingest drugs.
Definitions include: clothing
Definitions include: a pejorative term for both the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), likening them to the mafia.
Definitions include: to start one's work shift.
Definitions include: a person attaches themselves to high profile task or project in order to enhance their own career.
Definitions include: acronym for "small office / home office".
Definitions include: the "Target" retailer.
Definitions include: to invent ideas and solutions, usually by coming up with as many as possible while not rejecting any out of hand.

Other terms relating to 'computer slang':

Definitions include: acronym for "First World problem" or "First World problems".
Definitions include: to smoke marijuana.
Definitions include: so compatible that even the known bugs of product A were replicated in the "bug-for-bug compatible" product B.
Definitions include: This theorem has been traced to the mathematician E'mile Borel in 1913, and was first popularized by the astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington.
Definitions include: acronym for "in other words".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "okay".
Definitions include: to add something to the beginning; "prefix".
Definitions include: a cable connector device with either two male or two female connectors on it, used to connect mismatched cables.
Definitions include: a type of shareware that interrupts use of the software to display a message asking the user to "register" the software (i.e. pay for it.)
Definitions include: a form of shareware where, in lieu of the "registration" fee, the author asks that users donate to a charity.
Definitions include: source code that is extremely difficult to understand.
Definitions include: a geek.
Definitions include: acronym for "that feeling when".
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: "thanks".

Other terms relating to 'sports (related to)':

Definitions include: to be successful.
Definitions include: to body check as in sports (hockey, American football, rugby, etc.)
Definitions include: in fishing, to catch a fish and then release it back into the water.
Definitions include: a very good, trusted friend, often from childhood; "homie"; "boy".
Definitions include: see get to 3rd base.
Definitions include: to hit.
Definitions include: jogging and juggling at the same time.
Definitions include: a decision that will be made close to the time of acting upon that decision.
Definitions include: anabolic steroids.
Definitions include: to kiss, make out.
Definitions include: football (soccer.)
Definitions include: a very attractive person; "a perfect ten".
Definitions include: in soccer (football), the kick of a ball through an opponent's legs.
Definitions include: acronym of "original gangsta" meaning an older gangsta.
Definitions include: basketball.

Other terms relating to 'to accept insults':

Definitions include: to accept insults from a person without fighting back.

Other terms relating to 'to accomplish, work hard':

Definitions include: to work extremely hard.
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: to yell at someone; "blow up".
Definitions include: to be at one's peak performance.
Definitions include: the metaphorical substance that workaholics are addicted to.
Definitions include: to seek "paper" (i.e. money.)
Definitions include: a metaphorical position which implies hard work.
Definitions include: to devote significant effort towards.
Definitions include: one's best effort.
Definitions include: to work hard.
Definitions include: to criticize; "get on (one's) case".
Definitions include: to increase one's stature in life.
Definitions include: to relax, usually with other friends; "chill".
Definitions include: an accomplishment that goes above and beyond what is expected; "a good job".
Definitions include: to do a lot of work or spend a lot of money for something or someone.

Other terms relating to 'to cough':

Definitions include: to sneeze and cough at the same time.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'hack':

Definitions include: extremely mad or irritated.
Definitions include: a system that was created by hacking it up over time.
Definitions include: while "hacker" originally had positive connotations, it has since come to refer to individuals who sometimes use computers with malicious intent.
Definitions include: To engage in any activity intensely, especially to be intent on using one's computer for any purpose, though not necessarily engaging in illegal activity via the internet.
Definitions include: to perform one's duties.
Definitions include: a permit, license or other authority issued by a governmental agency authorizing a person to drive a taxicab in service to customers in that area.
Definitions include: to make a person angry.
Definitions include: to work on a pre-existing problem, program, or piece of source code.
Definitions include: to masturbate
Definitions include: to hack, with the result being something quickly and sloppily created, or modified to solve a particular problem.
Definitions include: to hack, with the result being something quickly and sloppily created, or modified to solve a particular problem.
Definitions include: "hacker".
Definitions include: spelling variant of "hacker".
Definitions include: "leet" spelling of "hacker".
Definitions include: a l33t hax0r.

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<a href="">a hack</a>

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[ a hack]

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