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Definition of a scam

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Other terms relating to 'flirting, hit on, pimp, player, wing-man':

Definitions include: a person who is good at arousing sexual interest in another person.
Definitions include: making sexual advances toward a person when you are already involved in a relationship.
Definitions include: talents, usually with the opposite sex or in business (e.g. drug dealing.)
Definitions include: to say a "neg" (as described in the noun sense) to a person.
Definitions include: to joke around with someone.
Definitions include: to watch.
Definitions include: A male in a long term relationship who consistently engages in sexual activity with females other than his significant other.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: a last-minute or previously unplanned request to meet up with someone with the intention of having sex (i.e. getting booty.)
Definitions include: to flirt with a person.
Definitions include: a pick-up line.
Definitions include: to "stick to" someone like Velcro.
Definitions include: to mingle, usually with the upper class of society.
Definitions include: acronym for "pick up artist".
Definitions include: a man who dates / sleeps with lots of women

Other terms relating to 'kissing, make out':

Definitions include: to kiss with an open mouth, usually placing one's tongue in the other person's mouth.
Definitions include: to kiss passionately; "make out".
Definitions include: onomatopoeia for a kiss.
Definitions include: See be all over.
Definitions include: rural US slang for a kiss.
Definitions include: to French kiss.
Definitions include: acronym for "non-committal make out" or - far more rarely - "non-committed make out".
Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: rural US slang for a kiss.
Definitions include: to kiss with an open mouth, usually placing one's tongue in the other person's mouth.
Definitions include: to kiss a person with tongue-on-tongue contact; "French kiss"; "snog"; "make out".
Definitions include: the general shape of a face when kissing someone.
Definitions include: to kiss, make out.
Definitions include: to kiss.
Definitions include: see get to 1st base.

Other terms relating to 'sex or not-quite-sex (ambiguous terms)':

Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: to have sexual intercourse with (usually female).
Definitions include: female genitals.
Definitions include: a person who provides illegal drugs.
Definitions include: to fuck around or freak some.
Definitions include: sexual contact.
Definitions include: a session of sex involving 3 people.
Definitions include: sexual activity.
Definitions include: simulated sex, without the removal of clothes.
Definitions include: to cheat on one's significant other.
Definitions include: a period of time during which one engages sexually with another person.
Definitions include: a last-minute or previously unplanned request to meet up with someone with the intention of having sex (i.e. getting booty.)
Definitions include: to engage in sexual activity; "fool around".
Definitions include: abbreviated form of "hook up".
Definitions include: to engage sexually with a person.

Other terms relating to 'to take advantage of, cheat, trick':

Definitions include: to lie to.
Definitions include: to fail to meet someone at a designated location.
Definitions include: to mistreat.
Definitions include: defecating in the tank of a toilet, causing it to clog.
Definitions include: a person being used in a relationship sense for money or what they can do for the user.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to have sex (with).
Definitions include: to rely on others for things one wants or needs, especially food, shelter, etc.
Definitions include: to give someone a bad bargain.
Definitions include: A juvenile who goes and does petty pranks and jokes in the neighborhood.
Definitions include: to take advantage of a wealthy provider.
Definitions include: To mislead or to give (or receive) bad directions.
Definitions include: to take advantage of.
Definitions include: to be taken advantage of; GET SCREWED.
Definitions include: a male talented in attracting females.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: tough.
Definitions include: a pedophile.
Definitions include: on drugs.
Definitions include: See the projects.
Definitions include: to make money obtained illegally seem legitimate.
Definitions include: condom.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: anything.
Definitions include: tall, high-heeled women's boots that men find sexually attractive.
Definitions include: to perform music enthusiastically.

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Average of 14 votes: 31%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a scam</a>

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[ a scam]

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