Definition of confuckulated
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'broken': |
Definitions include: out of alignment; "crooked". |
Definitions include: buttocks. |
Definitions include: to break, to fail. |
Definitions include: under the influence of drugs. |
Definitions include: to injure or destroy. |
Definitions include: to stop working. |
Definitions include: "messed." |
Definitions include: broken; ruined. |
Definitions include: an unkempt person. |
Definitions include: broken or not functioning properly. |
Definitions include: to kill or destroy. |
Definitions include: to pester or annoy. |
Definitions include: broken or ruined. |
Definitions include: extremely tired. |
Definitions include: Past tense of "screw". |
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
| Definitions include: when the hair in the center of one's forehead comes down in a V-shape. |
| Definitions include: to leave. |
| Definitions include: In the RN: Medic |
| Definitions include: wolfgang putz |
| Definitions include: physically affectionate due to desire of sexual activity. |
| Definitions include: yet unrevealed techniques to solve a problem. |
| Definitions include: According to Oxford University Press Blog: |
| Definitions include: A tragic figure; a loser and a damn fool. |
| Definitions include: Something that you like a lot/ are surprised about it, or hate it 1- That godforsaken bitch |
| Definitions include: semen. |
I use it | (9) |
No longer use it | (0) |
Heard it but never used it | (2) |
Have never heard it | (16) |
Average of 14 votes:
52% (See the most vulgar words.)
Your vote: None
(To vote, click the pepper. Vote how vulgar
the word is – not how mean it is.)
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