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Definition of ech



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Definitions include: to dance.
Definitions include: To forget about it. Expression of coming to the end of something of previous concern. To express complete unconcern. "I started to get upset at what she had done, but then I decided PISS ON IT." "I tried to warn him of what was going on and he just ignored me so PISS ON IT"
Definitions include: to please a person's penis in some way, e.g. via manual stimulation or fellatio.
Definitions include: Leaving an AFL (Australian rules football) game before its conclusion in anticipation of impending loss.
Definitions include: tomacco a tomato with tobacco original from the simpsons
Definitions include: Term coined by Princeton professor Robert George, speaking rhetorically about how conscientious objectors to same-sex marriage can expect to be stigmatized as part of the "Bob Jonesification of dissenters".
Definitions include: notably excellent or of superior quality.
Definitions include: to disrespect or mistreat.
Definitions include: Limp and/or unattractive breasts resembling used tea bags.
Definitions include: a feces stain in the inside of bottom-wear caused by insufficient wiping.

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