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Definition of numpt



  • something extremely boring, idiotic and/or stupid.

    a noob.

    a very lame situation.
    Are you always feeling down or bad at something that all your friends are good at? Well you may be considered a numpt.

    Last edited on Aug 21 2012. Submitted by Kevin Morris on Aug 21 2012.

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'unintelligent person, idiot':

Definitions include: alternate spelling and pronunciation of "idiot".
Definitions include: a retard
Definitions include: a disliked person.
Definitions include: very cold.
Definitions include: This definition is questionable and is pending deletion.
Definitions include: a stupid or absent-minded person.
Definitions include: an extremely stupid person.
Definitions include: A fool or idiot.
Definitions include: daughter; acronym for "dear daughter".
Definitions include: an unintelligent person.
Definitions include: stupid or dumb.
Definitions include: unintelligent person; "moron".
Definitions include: a hypothetical club whose members are not very "bright", meaning intelligent.
Definitions include: a foolish person; "ass".
Definitions include: a derogatory term; "asshole"; "jerk".

Slang terms with the same root words

None. How about some random words?

Definitions include: "ever".
Definitions include: flip-flops.
Definitions include: a close male friend.
Definitions include: A time or situation when or where any authority above oneself gives out as little information about a planned event that oneself will be apart of, so that when oneself has gathered enough information from authority in order to prepare for the event, the event is already here or has happened, therefore keeping oneself in a cycle of preparing for an event but never having enough preparation to be as prepared during the event as oneself had wanted to had.
Definitions include: something pleasing to listen to, especially music-related.
Definitions include: to react with overwhelming laughter.
Definitions include: protection from algordiscrim or algorithmic discrimination.
Definitions include: of a pregnant woman, to be visibly pregnant.
Definitions include: The presence of a dirty, diseased looking person evokes this response.
Definitions include: a dick head.

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