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Definition of ruca


  • girl gang banger, loose woman, girlfriend. From Mexican Spanish slang.
    Hands off! She's my ruca.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by David C. on Sep 19 2004.

  • True love or long term girlfriend, usually referred towards a beautiful girl or woman; A female who has been through hard life experiences or lived "la vida loca"
    My ruca has stayed by my side through the hard times ese, for life.
    Good night ruca, sweet dreams.

    Last edited on Apr 11 2013. Submitted by Anonymous from Houston, TX, USA on Mar 12 2009.

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Other terms relating to 'terms with foreign origin (list of)':

Definitions include: jail.
Definitions include: many or much.
Definitions include: money.
Definitions include: Spanish for "Little Mama".
Definitions include: French for "very."
Definitions include: someone who is crazy.
Definitions include: Possibly from the French word "putain" meaning "whore."
Definitions include: good-bye.
Definitions include: used to get someone's attention.
Definitions include: anything, in speech.
Definitions include: cat meat presented as that of a rabbit.
Definitions include: female genitalia.
Definitions include: heroin, from the Spanish word for horse.
Definitions include: a Spanish word that means fat little girl.
Definitions include: "goodbye".

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: a little child.
Definitions include: an over-repeated (i.e. "worn out") story.
Definitions include: to spend (or waste) additional money after spending (or wasting) initial money.
Definitions include: congealed nasal mucus.
Definitions include: to engage in foreplay in which both (or all) participants keep their clothes on and "grind" sexually against each other.
Definitions include: a writer.
Definitions include: to defecate; "poop".
Definitions include: one who mistakes wearing black jeans, Marilyn Manson and NIN t-shirts as being gothic.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: most commonly used in place of "fucka", as in mutha fucka. originally made as alternative for parents with young children. as in these examples:

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