Definition of stellar
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Slang terms with the same meaning
Other terms relating to 'good, okay, cool, awesome, fun': |
Definitions include: impressive. |
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool", "awesome". |
Definitions include: very good; excellent; "cool"; "awesome". |
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool". |
Definitions include: "cool". |
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool"; "awesome". |
Definitions include: Cool, nice, amazing, wonderful, brilliant, awesome. |
Definitions include: cool. |
Definitions include: amazed. |
Definitions include: fine, good, okay. |
Definitions include: (adjective) - the ultimate of coolness. |
Definitions include: good; excellent; "cool". |
Definitions include: good; "cool". |
Definitions include: generally appealing; "cool"; "awesome". |
Definitions include: full of people. |
Slang terms with the same root words
None. How about some random words?
| Definitions include: the psychedelic drug LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide). |
| Definitions include: a disliked person; "loser"; "dirtbag". |
| Definitions include: To be upset by a contradictory outcome. |
| Definitions include: buttocks. |
| Definitions include: three together |
| Definitions include: very. |
| Definitions include: to perform fellatio. |
| Definitions include: "rehabilitation". |
| Definitions include: a break in travelling, usually for food or use of a bathroom. |
| Definitions include: sexy. |
I use it | (64) |
No longer use it | (6) |
Heard it but never used it | (28) |
Have never heard it | (12) |
Average of 55 votes:
23% (See the most vulgar words.)
Your vote: None
(To vote, click the pepper. Vote how vulgar
the word is – not how mean it is.)
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