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Definition of strangling the snake

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to masturbate':

Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: when you sit on your hand until it falls asleep, and then proceed to masturbate with that hand.
Definitions include: male masturbation.
Definitions include: to engage in an activity which is inherently wasteful (particularly when one is at work) and for which there isn't any tangible compensation or reward, other than one's own mental stimulation.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: an man's stored up collection of sexual memories that he recalls while masturbating ("spanking").
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: a photograph of ((a printed out photograph of a person) that a male has ejaculated upon).
Definitions include: masturbation.
Definitions include: a session of masturbation.
Definitions include: to masturbate.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'snake':

Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: not showering before bed after working all day.
Definitions include: something disappeared under unknown circumstances.
Definitions include: attacking or accosting a person in an extremely violent and unrestrained manner with no thought about consequences.
Definitions include: crazy, alterd, not right
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: a very large penis.
Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: a penis.
Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: a very large penis.
Definitions include: penis.
Definitions include: penis.

Other terms relating to 'the':

Definitions include: the real information or the proof, instruction, the know how, where, when, and why about something or someone.
Definitions include: walking, generally as opposed to driving.
Definitions include: interrogation.
Definitions include: extremely intoxicated
Definitions include: information.
Definitions include: something you have now is worth more than two things you have just a chance of getting.
Definitions include: a good estimate.
Definitions include: a secret advantage.
Definitions include: inclusive.
Definitions include: to make a bad situation worse.
Definitions include: with the amount of time left to finish a task rapidly disappearing.
Definitions include: having an opinion or belief prior to it becoming common or popular.
Definitions include: of a male, to urinate.
Definitions include: Someone being butthurt over having something, they do to others regularly, done to the them
Definitions include: secret sexual activity with a person other than one's partner.

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Average of 4 votes: 45%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">strangling the snake</a>

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[ strangling the snake]

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