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Definition of takes people out

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Slang terms with the same meaning

Other terms relating to 'to attack, to fight':

Definitions include: to punch or attack, typically with no prior warning. Also stole on.
Definitions include: to lie to.
Definitions include: to beat someone until they enter the fetal position (their body forming a tight ball.)
Definitions include: to wrestle.
Definitions include: to have penetrative sexual intercourse with a person's eye socket.
Definitions include: to engage in intimate physical contact, usually intercourse. Also jump (one's) bones.
Definitions include: to be victorious; defeat.
Definitions include: to fight.
Definitions include: to beat severely.
Definitions include: to cause a crowd to disperse; BREAK UP.
Definitions include: to beat someone up.
Definitions include: to beat with physical violence.
Definitions include: prone to raping.
Definitions include: to eat voraciously.
Definitions include: to perpetrate acts of premeditated violence.

Other terms relating to 'to break, ruin, destroy':

Definitions include: to steal.
Definitions include: to lie to.
Definitions include: stiff, sore.
Definitions include: great.
Definitions include: to break, to fail.
Definitions include: to kill or destroy.
Definitions include: to mess up.
Definitions include: very cold.
Definitions include: to phone or page excessively; to fill up the capacity of some electronic answering service (voice mail, answering machine, one's pager, etc.)
Definitions include: high-grade marijuana.
Definitions include: to destroy.
Definitions include: good; excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: to severely injure (a person) or damage or ruin (a thing.)
Definitions include: to vomit.
Definitions include: to have sex.

Other terms relating to 'to kill':

Definitions include: to have sex with.
Definitions include: to kill.
Definitions include: to kill or destroy.
Definitions include: leaving.
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: to kill via stabbing.
Definitions include: very good, excellent; "cool".
Definitions include: to murder, kill.
Definitions include: to destroy.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: diamond-containing jewelry.
Definitions include: Food poisoning
Definitions include: to execute or murder, usually with a firearm.
Definitions include: to lie to.
Definitions include: to shoot.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'out':

Definitions include: the feeling when you defecate huge and your anus is stretched.
Definitions include: fatigued after amphetamine use.
Definitions include: very; really; extremely.
Definitions include: to ask a person on a date.
Definitions include: in an irreparably bad situation; "out of luck"; "screwed".
Definitions include: to defecate; "poop".
Definitions include: to get someone out of jail by posting bail.
Definitions include: to tell on someone; "snitch".
Definitions include: a session of getting baked (i.e. high from marijuana.)
Definitions include: to leave.
Definitions include: See also balls to the wall.
Definitions include: to hit or cause bodily injury.
Definitions include: to study to excess or to be over-competitive in school-work.
Definitions include: to beat severely.
Definitions include: to beat severely.

Other terms relating to 'take':

Definitions include: "Chill, don't worry about it."
Definitions include: a second look.
Definitions include: compromise.
Definitions include: "Both people involved in a bad situation are to be blamed."
Definitions include: to beat severely, or defeat severely.
Definitions include: taking bribes.
Definitions include: the result of someone taking the piss.
Definitions include: to rob or extort.
Definitions include: to have to go take a shit.
Definitions include: to mistreat.
Definitions include: to get something to eat.
Definitions include: to take a look.
Definitions include: taking a chance on something.
Definitions include: to defecate.
Definitions include: he needs to relax.

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<a href="">takes people out</a>

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[ takes people out]

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