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Definition of WF


noun - plural

  • acronym for "white folks".
    I can't deal with WF.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Jul 11 2017. Submitted by Goaloriented on Jul 11 2017.

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Definitions include: Originating from the original 1978 TV series Battlestar Galactica, a euphemism for crap or bullshit.
Definitions include: an over-used excuse.
Definitions include: extremely angry; "very fed up".
Definitions include: King of Juda King Jehoshaphat. Similar circumstance, regarding "what in tarnation", "jumping Jehoshaphat" was popularized by the Looney Tunes character Yosemite Sam in the 20 Century.
Definitions include: misspelling / alternate spelling of "queef".
Definitions include: A phrase coined by a Brooklyn fitness instructor; the act of making muscles feel that they are warmed up, move with ease, and are flexible.
Definitions include: unhealthy snack food.
Definitions include: insane.
Definitions include: phrase used to imply oral sex (specifically cunnilingus) alone is not a form of cheating and is therefore justifiable
Definitions include: when something is just very... something... and you don't need to add another word.

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