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Browsing page 125 of "B" words

bottom feeder


  • a useless or low-class person.


    Citation from "Lobsterfest", Bob's Burgers (TV), Season 1 Episode 12 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.


    Citation from "Lobsterfest", Bob's Burgers (TV), Season 1 Episode 12 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on May 20 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 26 2009.

  • A person with low standards, or an underacheiver. Like someone who is satisfied with scraps and low quality.

    "Have you seen the chicks Jason has been hooking up with lately? I didn't know he was such a bottom feeder.#

    Last edited on Nov 20 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 20 2012.

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bottomless pit


  • a person with an insatiable appetite. From the non-slang meaning, which is a hole that lasts forever.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 26 2009.

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Bottroff Moment


  • A moment where a person agrees to something, and other people knows about it. However, this person later on changes his/her mind on the very last minute, and does not usually notify other people about this, only to irritate these people so much. Later on, this person changes his/her mind once again, and other people get fed up with this person, especially that he/she has a really bad attitude and a temper.
    That guy over there ticked me off just now. Givin' me attitude and he cannot even stick to his own agreement. A typical bottroff moment.

    Last edited on Nov 06 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 06 2020.

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  • "bourghee" + "ghetto". Pronounced "boojeto."
    That expensive weave is so boughetto.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by mandi from Toledo, OH, USA on Mar 26 2002.

  • not giving a fuck about anybody are anything, loud out of controll, ghetto just don't give a fuck.
    Buying a new outfit when your electricity is cut off is boughetto.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by chelle h. from Louisiana, USA on Sep 27 2002.

  • high class and still acts like they from the hood..
    That girl is boughghetto.

    Last edited on Oct 17 2002. Submitted by Cappo from Columbus, OH, USA on Oct 17 2002.

  • someone that is high-maintenance or has a lot of expensive stuff.
    That girl is boughetto.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by Audra O. from USA on Mar 05 2003.

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verb - intransitive

  • A portmanteau of boulevard and gardening. Used for guerrilla gardening along the median of a boulevard.

    Citation from Heard on the street in Vancouver B.C. censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jun 26 2022. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26 2022.

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  • severely inebriated, beyond stoned.
    Man I'm bouldered.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by Mark S. on May 19 1998.

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  • life tale

    Last edited on Mar 18 2016. Submitted by ybk on Mar 18 2016.

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