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Browsing page 118 of "D" words
dust off
- From the Viet Nam Era, it means to pick up or evacuate personnel, especially wounded, via helicopter.
Used as verb: "They're gonna dust off Delta Company two clicks (kilometers) south of Hill759."
The present-progressive verb: "Get it in gear, Ladies, we're dusting off."
Used as noun: "We need a dust off ASAP!"Last edited on Aug 04 2014. Submitted by ShadeyHolt from Seminole, FL, USA on Aug 04 2014.
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dust (one's) ass
- to kill
Get out of the car or I'm going to dust your ass.
Last edited on Mar 22 2011. Submitted by alan s. on Jan 09 2005.
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dust (one's) back off
- to beat one's ass.
Keep talking shit and I'm going to make you dust your back off.
Last edited on Nov 14 1997. Submitted by D L. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Nov 14 1997.
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- a disagreement or fight.
I had a bit of a dustup at the bar.
- See more words with the same meaning: to attack, to fight.
- See more words with the same meaning: to disagree, disapprove, or doubt.
Last edited on Feb 21 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 02 2009.
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- outdated, old, haven't done something in a long time."
I don't want to hang with your Dad he is dusty.
That guy is so dusty, he needs to come into this year.
Last edited on Nov 26 2010. Submitted by Joshua S. from Newport, KY 41071, USA on Jan 31 2003.
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Dutch fuck
- to titty-fuck.
She let him dutch-fuck her on the first date!
Toya lets Scott dutch fuck her.
Chad likes to dutch fuck Meri all night long.
Last edited on Apr 21 2013. Submitted by Scott F. from Washington Monument, Washington, DC 20006, USA on Mar 21 2006.
verb - intransitive
- to light one cigarette from another
Since he didn't have a lighter, he got a dutch fuck.
Last edited on Apr 20 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 20 2013.
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- a cone-shaped rolled marijuana cigarette.
I rolled a couple Dutchies for the camping trip.
Citation from song censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: marijuana.
Last edited on Jul 20 2018. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 02 2009.
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Dutch Oven
- the act of farting under the bed covers while in bed with another person, then pull those covers over their head so they're forced to smell it.
I gave my girlfriend a Dutch Oven.
Citation from Who Cut the Cheese?: A Cultural History of the Fart, Jim Dawson, 1999 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: to flatulate, fart, pass gas.
Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 30 2010.
- to fart under the bed covers while in bed with another person, then pull those covers over their head so they're forced to smell it.
Citation from "A Woman's Perspective on Dutch Ovens, Asylum.com, Emily McCombs, Oct 20 2009 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.- See more words with the same meaning: to flatulate, fart, pass gas.
Last edited on Mar 30 2010. Submitted by Chris D. on Dec 28 2001.
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Dutch wife
- an instrument used for masturbation.
Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by Amber B. from Bridgewater, New Jersey, USA on Apr 05 2004.
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- A put-down about the way one looks, speaks or acts. One would use this word to describe a person who was unfashionably dressed, who spoke broken English, or acted in an unsophisticated or awkward manner.
Last edited on Jun 26 2017. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26 2017.
- looking like a duchess. In other words, nice or even classy.
You look dutchy.
Last edited on Dec 03 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Jan 01 2013.
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