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Browsing page 76 of "D" words

double dip


  • a person with very dark skin. That is, so dark it appears they were "dipped in black" twice.
    Obama is a double dip.

    Last edited on Dec 03 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 29 2013.

  • a person who retires from both the military and a civilian federal government job and receives two pensions.
    If Hillary Clinton were to be elected President, she would be a double dip.

    Last edited on Jun 26 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26 2014.


  • to date a girl and have sex with her, then do the same with her sister.
    He double dipped in that family.

    Last edited on Dec 03 2013. Submitted by Dave H. from Nashville, TN, USA on Dec 16 1998.

  • to insert an already-eaten-from end of a piece of food into a shared dipping sauce.







    Citation from "The Implant", Seinfeld (TV) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Aug 21 2015. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 21 2009.

  • to take double of one's fair share of something.
    He was caught double dipping.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to steal.

    Last edited on Nov 23 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 21 2009.

  • To conduct private conversations with multiple people via txt, e-mail, IM etc at the same time.

    Last edited on Sep 05 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 05 2015.

verb - intransitive

  • to retire from both the military and a civilian federal government job and receive two pensions.

    Last edited on Jun 26 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 26 2014.

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double dog dare

verb - transitive

  • to strongly dare someone to do something.
    I double dog dare you to eat that.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 17 2010.

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double domes

  • professors, scientists, pundits, brainy types.
    The double domes have determined that...

    Last edited on Mar 29 2011. Submitted by Gussie from Oroville, CA, USA on Jan 25 2003.

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double double


  • of coffee, with two packets of cream or milk, and two packets of sugar.
    I'll have a slice of pie and a double-double coffee please.

    Last edited on May 28 2014. Submitted by Anonymous from Peterborough, ON, Canada on Dec 27 2012.

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double down on

verb - transitive

  • to substantially increase one's investment in or focus on.
    We're doubling down on a new initiative to increase access to clean drinking water.

    Last edited on Feb 16 2014. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Feb 16 2014.

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double D's


  • huge breasts. Refers to the bra cup size D, "Double D's" = 2 D-cup sized breasts
    Taylor has some double D's.
    These double ds are making me want a breast reduction.

    Last edited on Jun 28 2018. Submitted by Juliet from New Orleans, LA, USA on May 23 2005.

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double fist

verb - ambitransitive

  • to hold two alcoholic drinks, one in each hand.
    Jack is such an alcoholic he's double fisting.

    Last edited on Mar 29 2011. Submitted by Anonymous from New York, NY, USA on Jan 09 2000.

  • to eat two unhealthy food items at the same time, one in each hand.
    He double fistin'.

    Last edited on Mar 29 2011. Submitted by Brooke from Gordon, Robinson, IL, USA on Jun 15 2008.

  • to insert two fists into the rectum or vagina for sexual purposes. Compare with "fist".

    Last edited on Mar 28 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Mar 28 2011.

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  • Anyone who uses an Apple iPhone AND a Samsung Galaxy at the same time.
    Bobby is so addicted to his phones that he keeps an iPhone in one pocket and a Galaxy in the other making him a doublehacker.

    Last edited on May 26 2023. Submitted by Anonymous on May 26 2023.

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double jack

  • a sledge hammer with two heads.

    Last edited on May 28 2014. Submitted by Scot on Oct 27 2004.

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double negation


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