The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 57 of "F" words



  • a person who doesn't understand what's going on, a person who has no idea

    Last edited on Dec 22 2004. Submitted by Kelly K. on Dec 22 2004.

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flotsam and jetsam


  • I read a number of years ago that flotsam and jetsam meant miscellaneous things that washed up onto the shore from the ocean. I also heard the first word used to floatsom or possible floatsome.
    Not slang, see at Wikipedia: "In maritime law, flotsam, jetsam, lagan and derelict are specific kinds of shipwreck.

    Last edited on Apr 14 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 14 2014.

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flower child


  • a hippie. Origin: because hippies wore flowers in their hair and on their clothing as a symbol of peace and love. From the 1960's.
    Didn't you hear? They're a flower child.

    Last edited on Apr 10 2016. Submitted by Elliottbfh on Apr 09 2016.

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  • acronym for "feel like shit".
    Question: How are you?

    Response: FLS...

    Last edited on Jul 19 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 20 2010.

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  • flu is influenza but swine flu is the about these days

    swine is pigs, pigs is police

    "tell your friends you're not feeling too well, they shouldn't come over cause you're coming down with the flu"

    translation, the cops are giving you heat, stay clear

    Last edited on Aug 09 2009. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 09 2009.

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fluck a duck


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