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Browsing page 40 of "H" words



  • Healthpally is used when any substance, either food or drug can be used without I'll effects on the body. It means the substance is nice to the body.

    This drug is healthpally, it has no dangerous chemicals, and negative effects on the body, it's made with natural herbs

    Last edited on Nov 25 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 25 2019.

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heap of hurt


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heap of shit


  • something of poor quality, usually large, especially a motor vehicle.
    I can't believe you still drive that heap of shit.

    Last edited on Nov 19 2018. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.

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hear me out


  • a request to a listener/audience to allow the speaker to finish, especially if the speaker is anticipating the audience to discredit or dismiss what is being said without all the information being presented.

    Citation from "I Can't Stan You", American Dad! (TV), Season 3 Episode 17 (2007) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17 2016.

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  • a heart attack
    when I received the news, I almost had a heartie.

    Last edited on Oct 03 2016. Submitted by bahaa shaban from Cairo, Egypt on Oct 03 2016.

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heart throb

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  • obvious.
    Man why do you always have to act so heat?

    Last edited on Apr 13 2014. Submitted by Steffy K. from Winnipeg, MB, Canada on Nov 19 2001.

  • to be under the heat is to see a hot girl/boy and become horny.

    Last edited on Apr 13 2014. Submitted by Steffy K. from Winnipeg, MB, Canada on Nov 19 2001.

  • A shoot out; to shoot.
    Let my 9 millimeter bring up the heat.

    Last edited on Jun 11 2002. Submitted by Chikko from San Rafael, CA, USA on Jun 11 2002.

  • (noun) known to be a place or person that is associated with a high likelihood of being caught or arrested by authorities or police. 2. (noun) police or authorities. origin - heat being in a hot situation or the feeling of sweatiness from being in a hot situation.
    No way man, that place is heat.
    Watch it - there's heat right over there.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Travis W. from Edmonton, AB, Canada on Jul 26 2002.

  • A firearm.
    He's packing heat.

    Last edited on Aug 20 2002. Submitted by Ashleigh from Topeka, KS, USA on Aug 20 2002.

  • to have real loud speakers with a whole lot of bass.
    Dawg them speakers are heatin' out of control.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11 2004.

noun - uncountable

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