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Hit with a .22


  • It is better to hit a target with a. 22, than miss with a .44. Good aim and usage are more effective than poor aim and power.

    Compare to better to hit with a little than miss with a lot.

    Harold knocked down the target he hit with a .22, while Rocky missed his still standing target with a. 44 he could not shoot well.

    Last edited on Mar 11 2017. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on Mar 11 2017.

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hit with the stupid stick

verb - transitive

  • to make unintelligent. The metaphorical "stupid stick" makes a person unintelligent when it hits them.
    My boss was hit with the stupid stick.

    Last edited on Jul 11 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 11 2010.

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  • the collective shared "mind" of a particular group.
    The Reddit hivemind clearly didn't like your comment.

    Last edited on Dec 22 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Dec 22 2010.

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HIV, the

noun - uncountable

  • any viral illness. Usually used when there is something, such as a stomach bug or flu, going around a community, such as a school or office. From HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.
    Oh man, I think I'm coming down with the HIV.

    Last edited on Jun 05 2013. Submitted by Hope H. from Philadelphia, PA, USA on Feb 14 2003.

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  • place of residence. Variant of "house".
    My, you've got a fine hizzie.

    Last edited on Feb 20 2011. Submitted by Erica from Lansing, MI, USA on Apr 20 2006.

  • variant of "hussy".

    Last edited on Nov 13 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Nov 13 2010.

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hizzit the skizzins

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  • one's home, or place of living
    Yo, let's go over to his hizzle.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Erica from Lansing, MI, USA on Apr 20 2006.

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  • "holla". Often used online when saying goodbye to someone.
    Hizzolla at your girl!

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Bre from Kettering, MD, USA on Feb 22 2003.

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  • house. Origin: house + izz; based on nonsense word system devised by Funk Musician Frankie Smith and popularized by Snoop Dogg.
    I'm in da hizzouse!

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Robbie G. from Stroud, Hampshire, UK on Feb 13 2006.

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