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Browsing page 81 of "H" words



  • very large, huge.
    She had a honkin' zit on her nose!

    Last edited on Mar 29 2005. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 29 2005.

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honk my hooters

  • Another way to say, "Well, I'll be damned...!"
    Well, honk my hooters, aren't you just SO cool because you can ride your bike down the stairs!

    Last edited on Feb 15 1999. Submitted by Leah A. from Ohio University, USA on Feb 15 1999.

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honk on bobo

  • to give a blow job.
    She can honk on Bobo all night!

    Last edited on Apr 30 2006. Submitted by The N. on Apr 30 2006.

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honk Smurfs


  • to vomit.
    Anybody know where the bathroom is? I gotta honk Smurfs.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to vomit.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Ryan from Spartanburg, SC, USA on Mar 04 1998.

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honk up


  • To be in disarray
    This job is really honked up.

    Last edited on Feb 22 2006. Submitted by Bradley J. from Chantilly, VA, USA on Feb 22 2006.


  • To put something in disarray.
    He honked it up!

    Last edited on Feb 22 2006. Submitted by Bradley J. from Chantilly, VA, USA on Feb 22 2006.

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  • derogatory form of reference of address for a white person.

    Last edited on Nov 08 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 07 2015.

noun - uncountable

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  • Honyocking
    Going out and getting into mischief.
    Example Q:"Where are you going" A: "Out Honyocking" pronounced: hoon-yock-ing

    Last edited on Sep 26 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 26 2020.

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  • slang used by Army soldiers to mean just about anything except "no."

    Last edited on Dec 08 1999. Submitted by Lamont from Schofield Barracks, HI, USA on Dec 08 1999.

  • Slang used by hardcore soldiers, usually Airborne or Rangers. Refers to or means anything and everything except no.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Nicholas B. on Oct 28 2004.

  • an enthusiastic yell or war cry.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Captain T. from Baton Rouge, LA, USA on Jun 09 2005.

  • used in the US Army meaning, hello, good, cool, or acceptance with enthusiasm. Not to be confused with the Marines Corps motivational term Ooh-Rah.
    Hooah, Sergeant!

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Captain T. from Baton Rouge, LA, USA on Jun 09 2005.


  • used by the United States Army as an affirmation or to express pleasure.

    Last edited on Jun 16 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16 2012.


  • There are many theories about the etymology of "hooah". One is that it's a pronunciation of "HUA", which is an acronym for "heard, understood, acknowledged."

    Last edited on Aug 20 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 16 2012.

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