The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 32 of "I" words


  • a problem often used as an excuse for some weird psychological problem.
    Don't stand so damn close to me, I have a space issue.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Jenn M. from Jacksonville, FL, USA on Jan 11 1999.

  • issues basically means problems.
    That boy has got some real issues..

    Last edited on May 19 1999. Submitted by trixie on May 19 1999.

  • implies the state of one's mind: crazy, a little off, not all together there. similar to saying someone has problems.
    Man, that girl got issues.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Jayne M. from Detroit, MI, USA on Dec 13 1999.


  • "Issue" also has non-slang meanings.

    Last edited on Oct 29 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 29 2012.

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is the juice worth the squeeze?


  • "is the outcome worth the effort?"
    We can take on that task in theory, but is the juice worth the squeeze?

    Last edited on Sep 27 2017. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 27 2017.

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is the Pope Catholic?

  • this is the answer you give when somebody asks a stupid question when they already know the answer is yes. Or it's the emphatic way of answering yes to a question.

    Last edited on Jan 25 2002. Submitted by Ralph M. from Charlotte, NC, USA on Jan 25 2002.

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  • Istophobe: A person who attempts to squelch freedom of speech, and silence, shame, and demonize anybody who disagrees with them on any subject by calling that person names that end in -ist or -ophobe, i.e. sexist, racist, ageist, xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc. Ironically, istophobes claim to be the most tolerant and open minded people in their society. However, istophobes will not allow their opponents to disagree on even the smallest point of the istophobes agenda, and will immediately label their opponent as an extremist who practices racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, etc. Adj. istophobic Example: I told my istophobe friend Sheila there is a biological difference between men and women and she called me a sexist misogynist.

    Last edited on Nov 11 2016. Submitted by Obtuse angle on Nov 11 2016.

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