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Browsing page 39 of "J" words


  • replacement word for anything
    I went out for a junt.

    Last edited on May 09 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 05 2004.

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juror number four

  • To be recalcitrant, stubborn, unruly, resistant, not a team player, unsportsmanlike. Origin: This is in reference to the Tyco trial and the one holdout on the jury.
    Why do you have to be such a Juror #4?

    Last edited on Apr 01 2004. Submitted by Wendy M. on Apr 01 2004.

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  • a makeshift repair. One that is sufficient until a proper repair can be performed, or because a better repair isn't worth the effort.

    Last edited on Apr 18 2011. Submitted by Patrick L. from Chicago, IL 60603, USA on Aug 05 2004.

verb - transitive

  • to repair in a makeshift fashion.
    We had to jury-rig it.

    Last edited on Apr 18 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Apr 18 2011.

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  • To fix a jury by getting a crooked juror to vote your way for money.
    Turns out now his lawyer is going to jail as well. The lawyer won the case by jury-rigging. He got one young lady juror to refuse to vote his client guilty.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 24 2018.


  • of a repair, makeshift. Sufficient until it can be performed properly, or because a better repair isn't worth the effort.
    Don't make any sharp turns: the steering system is all jury-rigged.

    Last edited on Apr 18 2011. Submitted by Patrick L. from Chicago, IL 60603, USA on Aug 05 2004.

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just J


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just joshin'

  • just kidding.
    She took it seriously but I was just joshin'.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by *Jen* from California, USA on Oct 11 1998.

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just the ticket


  • the perfect thing to have at the present moment.
    A nice cup of tea would be just the ticket.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2013. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 27 2012.

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Just want penicillin


  • The presence of a dirty, diseased looking person evokes this response.

    Compare to gross.
    GAAAWD, those people are so nasty, it makes me just want penicillin!

    Last edited on Nov 27 2016. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on Nov 27 2016.

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