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Browsing page 49 of "L" words



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  • acronym for "lack of gelt", i.e. lack of money. A legal term in Chicago used when a criminal defendant has not yet paid his or her lawyer.
    Judge, can you give me an LOG continuance 'til next week?

    Last edited on Dec 14 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 12 2013.


  • acronym for "lots of giggles".

    Last edited on Dec 14 2013. Submitted by Chuck S. on Dec 14 2013.


  • a piece of feces.
    I've flushed 3 times, and that log still won't go down.
    • See more words with the same meaning: feces.

    Last edited on Dec 14 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 11 2009.

  • a penis, usually large.

    Last edited on Dec 14 2013. Submitted by Chuck S. on Dec 14 2013.

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log off

  • to go to the toilet and defecate.
    I'm going to log off now.

    Last edited on Jun 06 2013. Submitted by Steve E. from South Australia, Australia on Apr 06 2004.

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  • Origin: the band The Kinks; 1. to act or dress like a woman though you are a man 2. a way to rag on someone such as one might use the word fairy.
    Sometimes he acts like a Lola.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Michael M. from Sheridan, WY, USA on Jul 22 2002.

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  • a photograph of a cat along with a humorous caption, which usually contains misspellings.

    Citation from "The Assclown Offensive: How to Enrage the Church of Scientology", Wired, Julian Dibbell, September 2009 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Oct 08 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 07 2009.

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  • acronym for "little old lady fall down go boom". In other words, "little old lady fell down and hurt herself". Used by EMTs.

    Last edited on Apr 25 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Apr 25 2010.

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  • the true definition not biased by american ideals a fully grown woman that looks like a young girl

    Last edited on Feb 12 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12 2021.

  • the true definition not biased by american ideals a fully grown woman that looks like a young girl

    Last edited on Feb 12 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 12 2021.


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