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Browsing page 50 of "M" words



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Mister nice-guy

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  • something or a piece of evidence that is or was used for misunderestimating

    Last edited on Jun 09 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 09 2024.

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  • 1)A fat virgina; Look at that Mit between her legs..; She has a fat Mit. 2) A fat pussy .. That Mit fat
    I would love to get in that Mit;
    That Mit gettin wet like a river;

    Last edited on Mar 27 2015. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 27 2015.

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  • Mitch- is a slang word for a man bitch for example boys are such mitches
    If Alex doesn't show up to the gym on Monday he's a pure MITCH.

    Last edited on Oct 15 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 24 2014.

  • It is a girl,boy,women,men or others that acts like a bitch. You all need to now at leased one, if you don't now one then your probally the mitch.
    De'Ziyah is so acting lie a mitch.

    Last edited on Feb 07 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 07 2020.

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  • A mild insult, referring to Republican candidate Mitt Romney (ex. "Don't be such a mitt!") Generally used when one says or suggests something absurd, ridiculous, etc.

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.
    More ignorant than trump.
    Judy is mitt.

    Last edited on Mar 01 2020. Submitted by Anonymous from Chico, CA, USA on Feb 02 2012.

  • a hand.
    She shits in her mitt then gives it a toss.

    Last edited on May 02 2013. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 28 2012.

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