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Browsing page 34 of "N" words



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  • Sure that oneself can't know the answer of a particality

    Last edited on Jul 17 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 17 2024.

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  • something that shouldn't be done.

    Citation from "Chapter 9", Eastbound & Down (TV), Season 2 Episode 3 (2010) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 19 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 09 2009.

  • female genitalia, describing both the vulva and vagina. Her mother would not approve of the way she enthusiastically played with her no-no, but this didn't bother Heather one bit.

    Last edited on Apr 02 2015. Submitted by Anonymous from Asheville, NC, USA on Apr 02 2015.

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  • Unviolent anger, especially non-physical anger; any kind of anger that isn't rage

    Compare: oporage

    Last edited on Jun 22 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 22 2024.

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  • able to hold your liquor.
    She drank the whole bottle, but we expected that from such a non-skid gal.

    Last edited on Dec 13 2001. Submitted by Betty A. from Fritz Creek, AK, USA on Dec 13 2001.

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  • having the characteristics of a noob.
    Alexandra is so noob.
    Your so noob.
    You slut noob.
    Hahaha you noob.

    Last edited on Jan 03 2017. Submitted by Alexandra Golez on Jan 01 2017.


  • Also "newb", "n00b", "newbie" or "nub". Someone that is new and consequently sub-par at an activity.
    That idiot is such a noob.
    Get out of here, noob.

    Last edited on Apr 23 2013. Submitted by Michael B. from Wichita, KS, USA on Feb 27 2003.

  • novice. From "newbie," used in online discussions and chat.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Morgan D. from Seattle, WA, USA on Aug 30 2003.

  • New, like someone being "new" to the internet or to something related to the net
    Noob here can someone please help me about downloading stuff from "bots.
    Noob to file sharing. What is the best file sharing program out there?

    Last edited on Feb 23 2013. Submitted by Gilbert M. from New York, NY, USA on Jun 15 2004.

  • you're new at something.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Nick K. from Ontario, Canada on Apr 28 2005.

  • derogative term used to describe someone new. Usually used in reference to the individuals inexperience
    Dude, you're such noob.

    Last edited on Feb 23 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 09 2005.

  • an undereducated person; an idiot. related to the prior use of the term "newbie".

    Last edited on Feb 23 2013. Submitted by Linda B. on Jan 08 2006.

  • someone who is new. Usually in ref to gaming.

    Last edited on Feb 23 2013. Submitted by Adam from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Aug 15 2007.


  • noob- used commonly in ROBLOX to describe an idiot type person like u skrubs

    Last edited on Feb 26 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 26 2016.

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  • Indian version of the word noobda.

    Ishaan: Manas is such a noobda in cod ! Some1 please teach him how to play.

    Last edited on May 06 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on May 06 2020.


  • Indian version of the word noob.

    Eg- ishu: Manasvin is such a noobda ! Some1 pls teach him how to play cod.

    Last edited on May 06 2020. Submitted by Anonymous on May 06 2020.

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