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Browsing page 49 of "O" words
- word shortened from the phrase "outta here." Used to state that you are leaving.
I am so outtie dogs. See ya.
Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Nicki from Dayton, TN, USA on Dec 19 2002.
- a navel that sticks out. Contrast with innie.
She's got an outtie.
Last edited on Aug 28 2013. Submitted by Patrick B. from River Ridge, LA, USA on Nov 26 1999.
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out to lunch
- excellent, very attractive, etc.
That painting is out to lunch!
His body is out to lunch!
- See more words with the same meaning: good, okay, cool, awesome, fun.
Last edited on Feb 28 1998. Submitted by Paula A. Scott from Anchorage, AK, USA on Feb 28 1998.
- crazy.
That girl is out to lunch.
- See more words with the same meaning: crazy, insane, weird, strange.
Last edited on Jun 20 1999. Submitted by John C. from CA, USA on Jun 20 1999.
- not paying attention; SPACED OUT.
Our waitress didn't bring us anything we ordered. She is completely out to lunch.
- See more words with the same meaning: absent minded, forgetful, confused.
Last edited on Aug 18 2003. Submitted by Naima W. from Boston, MA, USA on Aug 18 2003.
- without a strong grasp on reality.
- See more words with the same meaning: absent minded, forgetful, confused.
- See more words with the same meaning: crazy, insane, weird, strange.
Last edited on Jul 24 2007. Submitted by Lizzie K. from New York, NY, USA on Jul 24 2007.
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out to pasture
- to get rid of, move out of contact as far as possible, to send a person away as to not cause trouble also: to die, e.g. "Grandma's out to pasture."
We should put this mean woman out to pasture.
Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Holly C on Feb 22 2003.
- retirement, usually a forced or unwanted retirement.
Last edited on Feb 08 2010. Submitted by Anonymous from Worcester, MA, USA on Feb 08 2010.
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- it's over or not happening.
A girl ask me for some money and I told her ov!
Last edited on Sep 11 2003. Submitted by Pookie from Indianapolis, IN, USA on Sep 11 2003.
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- "over."
When you see the flag twirled around when the first car goes over the finish line, then you'll know that the race is all ova.
Last edited on Jun 12 2013. Submitted by Maurice J. from Fall River, MA, USA on Nov 21 2002.
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oval office, the
- toilet.
Last edited on Apr 23 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Apr 23 2010.
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- a gun, esp. a pistol.
Last edited on Dec 16 2014. Submitted by Chuck S. on Dec 16 2014.
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oven dodger
- a Jewish person. Derogatory
Last edited on Mar 21 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 21 2018.
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- having once been interested in or highly enthusiastic about something, not currently. Often used for one-upmanship.
I am, like, so over hip-hop music. It's so 'Nineties'.
Everyone thinks Usher's da bomb, but I am so over him.
Citation from "Dave of the Dead", Happy Endings (TV), Season 1 Episode 7 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.Last edited on May 10 2011. Submitted by david l. from Boerne, TX, USA on Jun 11 2002.
- tired of something.
I'm so over that guy. He's been hitting on my girlfriend for like an hour. He's about to get his ass beat!
Last edited on May 10 2011. Submitted by John A. on Sep 22 2003.
- no longer having romantic feelings towards someone.
I think I'm over my ex. Maybe I should start dating again.
Citation from "Mac's Big Break", It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (TV, 2010), Season 6 Episode 4 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.Last edited on Dec 02 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 10 2011.
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over and out
- There is a lot of confusion about this out there. 'Over' and 'Out', when used correctly, cannot coherently be used together. 'Over' means that you have finished sending your message and are waiting for the other person to reply to you. You expect a response - the conversation is not concluded. 'Out' however, means that you have finished sending your message and do not require/are not waiting for a response - you no longer wish to talk to that person. Using these together basically means "Message finished, I both am and am not waiting for you to answer me". It gets me every time TV popularises it, as it results in hours of arguments when it comes to people asking this very question. Another version: OVER - the full term is "Changing over and standing by" Not merely releasing the PTT as one does with modern equipment, by manually changing the antenna from the transmitter to the receiver and switching the HT supply over from the transmitter to the receiver, very long winded process. OUT - Sent to say the station was closing down. The heater supply to the valves was turned off so the filaments in the valves went out. As before mentioned, one is never over & out it is complete nonsense, lets leave to the movies & sad TV shows.
Last edited on Aug 24 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 24 2014.
- "goodbye".
Citation from "All the Right Friends", Covert Affairs (TV), Season 2 Episode 4 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.Last edited on Aug 12 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 12 2011.
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