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Browsing page 106 of "P" words


noun - uncountable

  • anticipatory, passive/aggressive compensating strategy, adopted exclusively by opponents of Scottish independence, amounting to an unprompted, vigorous assertion of (often extreme or hysterical) patriotism.

    Citation from "Nice bit of ProudScottery from wee Willie Rennie too!; Wings Over Scotland, 3 January 2014 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.
    A patriotic Scot AND a proud Brit!

    Last edited on Jan 03 2014. Submitted by Anonymous from Glasgow, City of Glasgow, UK on Jan 03 2014.

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  • for a girl to not put out. Meaning for a girl not to kiss or go further with a guy.

    Last edited on Feb 06 2004. Submitted by Shauna from Montrose, MI, USA on Feb 06 2004.

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  • We would sing, " Prump, - Splash! Trickle, Trickle Trickle down yer leg!" Or, - "Mum! Can I have my new shorts? I've just done a Prump-Splash in these!"

    * As children, we first heard the term from my friend's Father, who was born in Lancashire, Britain.

    Last edited on Oct 27 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 27 2019.

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  • an old person. used to describe their wrinkles.
    My wife turned into a prune earlier than I had hoped.

    Last edited on Apr 24 2013. Submitted by Ryan M. from Toronto, ON, Canada on Jun 27 1998.


  • someone who isn't quite right, there is something "off" about them.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by BooXLissaXSaurni on Sep 25 2010.

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  • Neolationship / Pseudolationship:

    analmostornot quiteassociation, or involvement between individuals that has similar characteristics and qualities of a traditional 'relationship' (as defined below) but lacks the blood or emotional connection of a 'relationship'

    Origin: relation - ship 1744, "sense of being related," from relation + -ship; Specifically of romantic or sexual relationships by 1944 relationship [ri-ley-shuhn-ship]

    noun 1. a connection, association, or involvement. 2. connection between persons by blood or marriage. 3. an emotional or other connection between people: the relationship between teachers and students. 4. a sexual involvement; affair. 5. the state of being connected or related 6. association by blood or marriage; kinship 7. the mutual dealings, connections, or feelings that exist between two parties, countries, people, etc: a business relationship 8. an emotional or sexual affair or liaison 9. logic, maths another name for relation

    Synonyms 1. dependence, alliance, kinship. 2. affinity, consanguinity.

    Last edited on Jun 03 2020. Submitted by katz22 on Jun 03 2020.

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  • spoken quietly in order to discretely get someone's attention.

    Last edited on Oct 03 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 03 2009.

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  • said upon fooling someone.
    I found that $50 you were missing... psych!
    Help me! Help me!...psych!

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Teri A. from Flint, MI, USA on Aug 01 2002.

  • just kidding. alternate spellings: sike, syke, sych, etc.
    Joe: Sure, I'll lend you 20 dollars.

    Suzy: Really?

    Joe: Psych!

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Tony J. from Portland, OR, USA on Jun 30 2004.

  • To announce that you have been fooled, or someone has made a joke. Almost like saying 'just kidding', only with more attitude. (was very popular in the 90's)
    I just bought you a new car... PSYCH!
    You look very beautiful today. PSYCH!

    Last edited on Sep 19 2007. Submitted by Angel from Morgan Hill, CA, USA on Sep 19 2007.


  • Person A: What's the code to your cell phone?

    Person B: 1234... Psych!
    Gemma: Do you wanna go out with me?

    Derek: OMG of course! I mean, who doesn't?

    Gemma: Hahaha... psych!

    Last edited on May 03 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 30 2012.

noun - uncountable

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psychedelic yawn


  • to vomit.
    • See more words with the same meaning: to vomit.

    Last edited on Aug 04 2011. Submitted by ArCee from Eugene, OR, USA on Aug 03 2011.

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