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Browsing page 98 of "P" words



  • A word with a prefix or containing a prefix; a prefix word

    Etymology: Latin, prefigo -> prefico -> prefice Very similar etymology to prefix

    Last edited on Aug 29 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 29 2024.

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  • to drink (alcohol) with friends, before going out to a bar, clubs, parties etc.
    Everyone is pre-funking at Kalis' house.
    Are we going to pre-funk before?

    Last edited on Dec 25 2008. Submitted by Jennifer C. from Portland, OR, USA on Dec 25 2008.

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  • to drink (alcohol) with friends before going out to a bar or party.
    We'll probably pre-game over here till 10:30 then go out.

    Last edited on Dec 10 2001. Submitted by Sarah from Athens, GA, USA on Dec 10 2001.

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  • pregnant. Similar to preggers but is generally used by and/or refers to a very young mother.
    Did you hear about Zoe D.? Yes, isn't it a shame 14 and preggies.
    Hey Aubrey, now that you are preggies, can I go out with Aiden?

    Last edited on Feb 07 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Feb 03 2013.

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