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Browsing page 134 of "S" words

smack around

verb - transitive

  • to slap.
    He's always smacking his girlfriend around.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 06 2011.

  • to beat.

    Citation from "Chapter 2", The Confession (TV), Season 1 Episode 2 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on May 06 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on May 06 2011.

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  • intoxicated on drugs, originally meant high on heroin because heroin addicts would smack their arms before they injected themselves, now can mean intoxicated on any drug, particularly marijuana
    I smoked so much weed, I am so smacked!

    Last edited on Dec 27 2010. Submitted by Sara from Falls Church, VA, USA on Feb 25 2007.

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smacked with a 40


  • unattractive. Also "smacked", "smacked with a brick", "smacked with <object>".

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by lewis g. on Oct 23 2010.

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smack Lester


  • to masturbate.
    Can you really get hairy palms from smacking Lester?

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Dallas H. from 日本 on Dec 08 2002.

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  • money.
    I won 100 smagoons in the slot machine at the bar.
    Can also be used in exaggeration such as
    I won a million smagoons cat, and I will buy you fancy feast.

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Smagoonaire from Hustler, WI, USA on Oct 23 2009.

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small beer


  • a trifling matter.

    Citation from "Inventor's 2020 vision: to help 1bn of the world's poorest see better", The Guardian, 22 December 2008 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 16 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Nov 16 2009.

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  • From Wall Street, as in small-capitalization. Small-cap refers to low-priced, large-cap is expensive.
    That dude is small-cap.
    Those shoes are large-cap.

    Last edited on Feb 14 2000. Submitted by kevin d. from New York, NY, USA on Feb 14 2000.

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