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Browsing page 91 of "T" words

tow bitch

  • a woman who a tow truck operator met on a service call and who then had intimate physical contact with said tow truck operator.

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Feb 11 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Nov 28 2018.

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town bicycle, the


  • a promiscuous person, usually female. From the expression, "She's like the town bicycle. Everyone has had a ride."

    Last edited on Aug 26 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 26 2009.

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town business

  • A reference to things that go on in the streets of Oakland. Sideshows, street crime---events that occur in the underworld.
    Someone who just finished a fight said, "I'm just takin' care a town business."

    Last edited on Jan 21 2009. Submitted by AMERICO A. from Oakland, CA, USA on Jan 21 2009.

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  • a resident of a college town who does not attend college.
    He's just some weird towney.

    Last edited on Apr 12 2011. Submitted by Dave W. M. from Austin, TX, USA on Mar 06 2003.

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  • a chav. Origin: England.
    Townies generally stand out because they make themselves stand out.

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Abi from Oxfordshire, UK on Dec 28 2003.

  • a person who lives in a college town but doesn't attend that college.
    Did you hear she's dating some townie?

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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tow up from the flo up


  • heavily intoxicated or drunk.
    Lorenzo had 15 shots of Gin straight, 5 minutes later he was tow up from the flo' up.

    Last edited on Jun 27 2018. Submitted by Jaye-Supreme on Jan 09 2017.

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  • Mean or rude.
    They were acting very toxic to him.

    Last edited on May 13 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on May 13 2021.

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