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Browsing page 19 of "Y" words


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You're/he/she is a mess


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you're not about that life


  • Negative. Not living up to someone else's life style standards. Uncool or acting like someone you are not. Doing something you do not do on an everyday basis.
    I don't know why you're trying to fight me, you're not about that life.

    Last edited on Apr 19 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 15 2011.

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you're on

  • A greeting to a proposal, or an offer-

    Come to de pub,it's my shout,You're on mate' I'll bet thee 5bucks my team wins,You're on mate'

    Last edited on Jan 24 2012. Submitted by John Kitus from Boise, ID, USA on Jan 24 2012.

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your face.

  • a comeback to an insult
    Person: Those shoes are so ugly! You: like YOUR FACE.

    Last edited on Jun 25 2005. Submitted by Julia a. from North Brunswick, New Jersey, USA on Jun 25 2005.


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your friend


  • a tool or resource that a person should use.
    Person A: How I defrob the frobinator?

    Person B: That's described in chapter 3 of the manual. The manual is your friend.

    Last edited on Jul 20 2015. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 20 2015.

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