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Definition of a man

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Other terms relating to 'an expert, a fan':

Definitions include: while "hacker" originally had positive connotations, it has since come to refer to individuals who sometimes use computers with malicious intent.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "fanboy".
Definitions include: an expert.
Definitions include: an expert at searching Google.
Definitions include: a male fan devoted to a particular thing.
Definitions include: crazy.
Definitions include: a fan of the movie Avatar.
Definitions include: an expert.
Definitions include: a fan of Justin Bieber.
Definitions include: a person hired for their expertise.
Definitions include: a fan-produced magazine for other fans (of a music band, etc.)
Definitions include: a male fan of the cartoon show My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.
Definitions include: a person who is sexually talented.
Definitions include: an expert or person one goes to for advice or a paid specialist in a given field.
Definitions include: used with a subject matter to refer to a person with deep, expert knowledge of that subject matter.

Other terms relating to 'dude, person of unspecified gender':

Definitions include: an elderly person.
Definitions include: a person who always agrees with superiors.
Definitions include: "Tweep I'd like to follow."
Definitions include: a person who hypermiles.
Definitions include: an expert or person one goes to for advice or a paid specialist in a given field.
Definitions include: a stand-in name used to represent the everyman.
Definitions include: a male.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "dude".
Definitions include: a person who dyes their hair blonde.
Definitions include: woman.
Definitions include: bastard.
Definitions include: a graffiti mural.
Definitions include: people.
Definitions include: to swear.
Definitions include: a sweet or nice person.

Other terms relating to 'exclamations (list of)':

Definitions include: "fo shizzle my nizzle", i.e. "for sure my nigga".
Definitions include: suffix used to add emphasis to nearly any word.
Definitions include: angry retort.
Definitions include: exclamation of unhappiness.
Definitions include: a general exclamation.
Definitions include: affirmative.
Definitions include: alternate spelling of "yis".
Definitions include: exclamation of unhappiness.
Definitions include: exclamation of disbelief.
Definitions include: Expression of disappointment, similar to 'bummer', though more forceful. 'Bummer' tends to be used when something unforeseen and unfortunate occurs. 'Rats', on the other hand tends to be used when you have been making a concerted effort to do something and it suddenly fails. You only use 'rats' about your own misfortune. You can use 'bummer' sympathetically also about someone else's misfortune.
Definitions include: exclamation of frustration.
Definitions include: exclamation of excitement.
Definitions include: intensifier, used with an interrogative.
Definitions include: "Are you telling me the truth?" or "I'm telling you the truth."
Definitions include: "Oh my fucking God."

Other terms relating to 'friend, friends':

Definitions include: a true friend.
Definitions include: a friend, usually white.
Definitions include: best friend.
Definitions include: very close friends.
Definitions include: a person with poor personal style.
Definitions include: a friend.
Definitions include: form of address for a female used by a close friend.
Definitions include: a female friend.
Definitions include: alternate pronunciation of bro.
Definitions include: the group of one's friends.
Definitions include: good friend; "buddy".
Definitions include: Also used as 'neezy' as in the phrase "Fo' sheezy my neezy."
Definitions include: best friend.
Definitions include: a close male friend.
Definitions include: Promotional items branded with company logos given away for free.

Slang terms with the same root words

Other terms relating to 'man':

Definitions include: a man with an extremely large penis.
Definitions include: of course; definitely.
Definitions include: "assistant manager".
Definitions include: the man who a cheating spouse sees on the side.
Definitions include: clitoris.
Definitions include: acronym for "big man on campus".
Definitions include: a person who sells fake drugs.
Definitions include: a handsome man
Definitions include: fuck man.
Definitions include: to have sex
Definitions include: a US government agent, e.g. FBI agent.
Definitions include: a hired killer; "hit man".
Definitions include: human feces.
Definitions include: a man who is successful with women.
Definitions include: a man popular with women.

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How vulgar is this slang?

Average of 33 votes: 21%  (See the most vulgar words.)

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<a href="">a man</a>

To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following.

[ a man]

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