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Definition of boondoggle

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Other terms relating to 'to waste time':

Definitions include: to waste time.
Definitions include: to make an irreparable (possibly tragic) mistake.
Definitions include: to engage in sexual activity; "fool around".
Definitions include: to engage in intimate sexual activities; "mess around".
Definitions include: a project that is capable of consuming a practically unlimited amount of time.
Definitions include: to masturbate, especially male masturbation.
Definitions include: to engage in an unproductive activity; waste time.
Definitions include: to waste one's time.
Definitions include: to masturbate.
Definitions include: to waste time, mess around.
Definitions include: to spend time on a non-productive activity; "waste time".
Definitions include: to waste time in order to avoid confrontation or a potentially uncomfortable situation.
Definitions include: to be standing or sitting somewhere.
Definitions include: a sexual practice in which a group of men stand in a circle and engage in mutual masturbation, with or without interpersonal contact.
Definitions include: to do nothing of value.

Slang terms with the same root words

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Definitions include: as one's current responsibility.
Definitions include: acronym for "clothed female, naked male".
Definitions include: To be openly, publicly horney/hot for sex or obviously needing sex, to the point where one seems desperate for it, or when one is too open about feeling horney/hot for sex, especially when interacting with possible sex partners.
Definitions include: a genre of pornography depicting gaping orifices.
Definitions include: to do the right things in life.
Definitions include: very intoxicated from drugs.
Definitions include: expensive.
Definitions include: "television".
Definitions include: an Internet "Law" (i.e. observation that often holds true) formulated by Mike Godwin.
Definitions include: Someone who has a tendency to be TAF

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[ boondoggle]

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