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Browsing page 23 of words meaning insults (list of) (1,283 words total)

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butt plug


  • a suck-up - someone who's always "stuck up the boss's ass".

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Mar 02 2013. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 20 2011.


  • to injure or otherwise defile a person
    If you don't stop it, I'll butt plug you!

    Last edited on Apr 17 2004. Submitted by Steve-O from IN, USA on Apr 17 2004.

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  • One hypothesis is that the term comes from the region of southern Illinois known as "Little Egypt." One of its towns is Cairo. It is far away from Chicago both geographically and culturally.

    Last edited on Mar 02 2013. Submitted by fowler j. from Kansas City, MO, USA on Jul 29 1998.

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  • displeasing.
    That party was cake.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by Anonymous from San Francisco, CA, USA on Dec 01 1999.

  • easy.
    That exam was cake.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 14 2008.

  • being very happy with excitement about something good.
    She was feeling so cake on her roadtrip.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Aug 21 2012. Submitted by thatderngirl on Jun 17 2012.


  • nice buttocks.
    Lil' momma got the cake.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by lolz on Mar 04 2010.

  • derogatory term for a homosexual.
    Dude that guy at the gas station was acting like such a cake.
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    Last edited on Feb 16 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on May 16 2011.

  • a vagina
    I put my icing on her cake.
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    Last edited on Mar 15 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 21 2012.

  • a baby or a sissy.
    Don't be a cake. Take your medicine.

    Last edited on Mar 15 2014. Submitted by Brayford from Lincoln, UK on Mar 09 2014.

  • Cake is related to anything that can be seen as a tasty treat without any good substance to it or to be desired. It can relate to a pretty woman, a pretty man, a wanted or desired item, or a drug. It is not something that is needed as much as desired. Such as she was that sweet slice of cake on the side of your main dish.

    Last edited on May 18 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on May 18 2016.

noun - uncountable

  • money.
    • See more words with the same meaning: money.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by jaime from St Pete Beach, FL, USA on Aug 27 2002.

verb - ambitransitive

  • to talk with a person one is attracted to; "flirt", "spit game".
    Robert is in his room caking this girl he met today.
    That boy was cakin' on the phone with his girl last night.
    She needs to quit cakin' with all those frat guys.
    Also cupcake.

    Last edited on Dec 17 2010. Submitted by Lauren from Greenville, SC, USA on Mar 01 2003.

  • to speak affectionately towards someone; "sweet talk".
    I heard you on the phone cakin' last night.

    Last edited on Dec 17 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 19 2008.

verb - intransitive

  • to make lots of money.
    If we do this the right way, we're going to be caking later.

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by Denise J. on Nov 25 2003.

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  • someone who comes somewhere to do something, but just sits down and watches (origin: skating.)
    We came to skate at that spot, but it were all campers out there.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2002. Submitted by JB on Jul 17 2002.


  • 1: a general insult, especially in competitive games. Origin: in multiplayer video games, a "camper" is a player who sits in one place and waits for an opponent to walk right in front of them, allowing them to kill the opponent and earn points with little effort.

    Last edited on Apr 14 2013. Submitted by Brad W. on Apr 16 2002.

  • 2: One who has a lack of skill. ORIGIN: in multiplayer video games, a camper is a player who sits in one place and waits for an opponent to walk right in front of them, allowing them to get points with little effort.
    That damn camper!

    Last edited on Apr 16 2002. Submitted by Brad W. on Apr 16 2002.

  • It's when someone brings a skateboard to a skate park and just uses it to sit on to watch the other people.
    Hey did you see all the campers at the skate park?

    Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by Jordan S. on Oct 16 2002.

  • A player who sits in one spot for a long period of time. Generally if in defense, this is considered good form while camping on assault is considered bad form

    Last edited on Feb 04 2005. Submitted by Tensore @. on Feb 04 2005.

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