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Browsing page 6 of words meaning sports (related to) (67 words total)

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  • in soccer (football), the kick of a ball through an opponent's legs.

    Last edited on Jan 17 2011. Submitted by lonewolf from 253, Czech Republic on Jan 15 2011.

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  • high, under the influence of marijuana.
    He's pied.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Feb 11 2019. Submitted by maryam from Van, MI, USA on Dec 16 2001.


  • acronym for Performance and Image Enhancing Drug. That is, a drug designed to increase a person's athletic performance and physical appearance.
    I'm gonna be well hench on this PIED regime.

    Last edited on Feb 11 2019. Submitted by Little Lou Ferigno from Sheffield, UK on Jan 30 2019.

noun - uncountable

  • acronym for "Porn[ography] Induced Erectile Dysfunction". That is, erectile dysfunction caused by watching pornography and masturbating excessively.
    My boyfriend claims that he has PIED, but I think he's just getting older and having a harder time getting an erection.

    Last edited on Feb 11 2019. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Feb 11 2019.


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  • head or haircut. usually derogatory.
    That's a nice pill man.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2011. Submitted by Ed from Melbourne, VIC, Australia on Nov 10 1999.

  • a basketball.
    A lot of guys can slam the pill.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2011. Submitted by Cri(s)ta'.' from Huntington Beach, CA, USA on Apr 21 2010.

  • an unpleasant person, or a person who is difficult to deal with.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2011. Submitted by Anonymous from Portland, MI, USA on Apr 25 2010.

  • an entertaining or comical person.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Dec 01 2011.

  • When my grampa used to say to me in a teasing way, 'You're a pill'! he was implying that I was 'hard to swallow'-- a blustery little pest.

    Last edited on Aug 19 2016. Submitted by zuzu on Aug 19 2016.


  • To hit or punch someone

    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Dec 01 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 01 2011.

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powder puff pass


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