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Browsing page 15 of words meaning work (related to) (315 words total)

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head doctor


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head shop


  • a store that sells drug paraphernalia, such as bowls and bongs for marijuana smoking.


    Citation from "Stone Dead", Raines (TV), Season 1 Episode 4 (2007) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jan 05 2011. Submitted by Kristy from Portland, ME, USA on Nov 03 2003.

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  • obvious.
    Man why do you always have to act so heat?

    Last edited on Apr 13 2014. Submitted by Steffy K. from Winnipeg, MB, Canada on Nov 19 2001.

  • to be under the heat is to see a hot girl/boy and become horny.

    Last edited on Apr 13 2014. Submitted by Steffy K. from Winnipeg, MB, Canada on Nov 19 2001.

  • A shoot out; to shoot.
    Let my 9 millimeter bring up the heat.

    Last edited on Jun 11 2002. Submitted by Chikko from San Rafael, CA, USA on Jun 11 2002.

  • (noun) known to be a place or person that is associated with a high likelihood of being caught or arrested by authorities or police. 2. (noun) police or authorities. origin - heat being in a hot situation or the feeling of sweatiness from being in a hot situation.
    No way man, that place is heat.
    Watch it - there's heat right over there.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Travis W. from Edmonton, AB, Canada on Jul 26 2002.

  • A firearm.
    He's packing heat.

    Last edited on Aug 20 2002. Submitted by Ashleigh from Topeka, KS, USA on Aug 20 2002.

  • to have real loud speakers with a whole lot of bass.
    Dawg them speakers are heatin' out of control.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 11 2004.

noun - uncountable

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hired gun


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