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Browsing page 49 of "B" words



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before long


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  • n. The playful, sappy exchange between Baby Boomer couples in erectile dysfunction ads that so artfully suggests a game of backgammon - when supplemented by a magic pill - can lead to much, much more.

    Last edited on Sep 29 2009. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 29 2009.

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beg off


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be greek to

verb - transitive

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be half bad


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  • someone who talks too much. A comical variation on behemoth, meaning something huge.
    Gawd, what a behemouth, she won't stop talking!

    Last edited on Jul 11 2018. Submitted by Dr. P.D. Fisher on Jun 29 2018.

  • someone with a large mouth, either literally or figuratively (in the sense of having a voracious appetite.)

    Last edited on Jul 11 2018. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 11 2018.

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  • buttocks.
    He slapped her on the behind.

    Citation from "Meet the Grandparents", Raising Hope (TV, 2010), Season 1 Episode 9 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Nov 27 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 01 2001.

noun - uncountable

  • the seat behind the passenger seat in a vehicle.
    I get behind!

    Last edited on Jul 24 2010. Submitted by Emily M. from UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA on Jan 13 1998.

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behind bars


  • in jail.

    Citation from "Whistler's Mother", Arrested Development (TV), Season 1 Episode 20 (2004) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 17 2016. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jul 26 2009.

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behind closed doors

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