The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 81 of "B" words

BJ bob

  • a session of fellatio ("BJ") that causes the person performing fellatio to vomit.
    She's giving a BJBOB.

    Last edited on May 31 2016. Submitted by Ismar H. on Sep 09 2006.

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noun - uncountable

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black and white

  • An issue/thought process that divides everything into two opposing categories
    She saw the world in black and white - people were either good or bad.
    This is a black and white issue - either you're for it or against it.

    Last edited on Dec 20 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 19 2010.


  • police.
    I got to get rid of some black and white.

    Last edited on Apr 19 2013. Submitted by don m. from Georgia, USA on Apr 18 2009.

  • a police car.

    Last edited on Aug 21 2012. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 03 2012.

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