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Browsing page 98 of "B" words


verb - intransitive

  • The act of sending a text to one chat intended for another chat.

    E.g., "Oops, I blundertexted to Sue what I meant to send to Ann, and now Sue knows I'm seeing Ann."

    Last edited on Mar 29 2019. Submitted by Anonymous on Mar 29 2019.

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  • When you can't explain something. It's how you end a sentence instead of trailing off.
    I'm so stressed. It's just... blurg.

    Last edited on Jan 11 2003. Submitted by Kelly from Sudbury, Canada on Jan 11 2003.


  • /bl'rg/ ~ (blerg) ~ A short discussion briefly covering a subject and/or a short textual description. Compare with blurb.

    Citation from "The Great Information Swindle....", brt&ctm, Citizen Smith, October 7, 2014 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Oct 07 2014. Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 07 2014.

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  • a life point of something or someone
    Livin on hustle blv.

    Last edited on Mar 18 2016. Submitted by ybk on Mar 18 2016.

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B & M


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