The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 21 of "F" words

fecal removal facilitator


  • toilet paper. Compare with toilet tissue

    It is inconvenient for one to employ a public loo, only to discover too late the fecal removal facilitator is no where in sight!

    Last edited on May 20 2015. Submitted by Hilarious.Linguist from Gun Barrel City, TX, USA on May 20 2015.

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  • totally repulsive disease-ridden rat of a person. Words do not describe how revolting such a person is.
    You are such a feck.

    Last edited on May 13 2011. Submitted by Olivia and Brooke from Australia on Dec 17 1998.

  • completely lame, uncool
    My mom is so feck when she waves to me at school.

    Last edited on Jun 16 2003. Submitted by Holly L. from Superior, CO, USA on Jun 16 2003.


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fed sled


  • a passenger car, especially a large four-door sedan, owned or operated by the United States government. From James Elroy's novel, The Cold Six Thousand.
    He hit the brakes on his fed sled.

    Last edited on Jun 08 2017. Submitted by J.S. G. from Houston, TX, USA on Jan 12 2003.

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feds, the

noun - plural

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fed up


  • Having taken all one can take, can't take any more

    I'm fed up with your sarcastic remarks.

    Last edited on Apr 23 2014. Submitted by Geoff Johnson from Santa Rosa, CA, USA on Apr 23 2014.

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