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Browsing page 125 of "G" words



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  • any location far away. Subjective, usually used to refer to anywhere it would be a hassle to travel to.
    That's way out in Guam!

    Last edited on Jun 07 2013. Submitted by James Bell from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Nov 25 1997.

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  • "guarantee" + "fucking", used to mean exactly the same as guarantee except with an extra added degree of emphasis and accuracy.
    I guarafuckintee you that it will work!

    Last edited on Jun 07 2013. Submitted by Ivan T. on Feb 27 2006.

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  • An emphatic assurance or promise
    I can guaranfuckintee you that I didn't drink the last beer.

    Last edited on Mar 03 2009. Submitted by Anonymous from Nashville, TN, USA on Mar 03 2009.

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  • 1. An incompetent Guard who is under question buy supiors in Chain of Command. 2.A Guard who is imprudent in questioning a human being.
    A Guard questioned Person for smoking in a posted smoking permitted zone then without the Person's reply cuffed and best the Person. The Guardard was reported to the Chain of Command and terminated Lawsuit pending.
    Typo edit: instead of best enter best in first sentence of example sentence.
    Typo edit: best replaced by beat in previous example.
    Typo edit: buy changed to by line 1 of definition.
    Edit: Lawsuit capitalized or not capitalized by rule.
    Edit: Superiors replacing supiors in definition 1.

    Last edited on Feb 08 2022. Submitted by James John Warneke from Billings, MT, USA on Jan 26 2022.

noun - plural

  • Edit definition 2. Human being instead of human being adding or Human beings. Noun plural or Noun.
    Human being or Human beings can be termed Person or Persons or Person's or Persons'.
    Edit. Or add Human being' or Human beings' Human being's. Add Person'.
    Human should be capitalized as well as Person by rule.

    Last edited on Jan 28 2022. Submitted by James John Warneke from Billings, MT, USA on Jan 26 2022.


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guard (one's) grill

  • to fight and not get hit in the mouth
    If you fight him you need to guard your grill.

    Last edited on Mar 23 2005. Submitted by Megan K. on Mar 23 2005.

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  • "good", i.e. without need or desire for something in particular.
    Person A: You want something to drink?

    Person B: I'm Gucci.

    Last edited on Mar 27 2011. Submitted by Jeremy H. on Jan 13 2009.

  • fancy/shiny/better.

    Commonly used in the military. Anything bought to replace an issued piece of equipment is called Gucci.
    Them's Gucci boots.
    That's hecka Gucci.

    Last edited on May 07 2013. Submitted by Ginger Warrior from Cardiff, UK on Mar 27 2011.

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