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Browsing page 51 of "H" words

herp derp


  • interjection in response to an unintelligent comment. Also "derp".
    Person A: The earth is only 6000 years old.

    Person B: herp derp.

    Last edited on Sep 06 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 06 2010.

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herp, the

noun - uncountable

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noun - plural

  • object second person plural feminine pronoun

    plural of her

    feminine form of them

    A: "Jimia is coming, we need to hide herses"

    B: "Whos herses?"

    A: "The girls"

    A: "The ones from the party"
    I apologize, this is actually object third person plural feminine pronoun.

    Last edited on Jun 28 2024. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 28 2024.

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Hershey Highway, the


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Hersheys, the

noun - uncountable

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Hershy squirt

  • To perform a defecation that is characterized by a liquid-like or diarrhea consistency (most particularly used when a person thinks the fart they just expelled might have contained MORE than just gas).
    I hope I didn't Hershy squirt in my pants.

    Last edited on Apr 17 1998. Submitted by Maestro from Newark, DE, USA on Apr 17 1998.

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