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Browsing page 54 of "H" words

Hickory Level


  • A term for describing or asking about the potential of a patient having significant psychological issues.

    What's the Hickory Level on that patient who came in to clinic reporting a history of allergy to water

    Last edited on Apr 12 2022. Submitted by Anonymous on Apr 12 2022.

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  • a place in the countryside, where hicks live

    Last edited on May 07 2002. Submitted by John from Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK on May 07 2002.

  • a derogatory term used to describe a small town or suburbs.
    I don't like that theater, it's way out in hicksville.
    He didn't want the job because he'd have to live in hicksville.

    Last edited on Jul 05 2002. Submitted by D. Fenske from Vancouver, BC, Canada on Jul 05 2002.

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hide the salami

verb - intransitive

  • sexual intercourse, in the phrase "play hide the salami."

    Last edited on Aug 31 2009. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Aug 31 2009.

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hide the sausage


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  • To give somebody a good hiding (Brit.)

    To tell somebody off in an aggressive manner, to beat somebody up or physically hurt them in other ways, often but not exclusively linked to punishment or revenge.

    Last edited on Oct 16 2014. Submitted by Daria Hussels on Oct 16 2014.

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high as a kite


  • very high.
    That weed is damn good shit. I'm high as a kite.



    Citation from "Funhouse", Lie To Me (TV), Season 3 Episode 9 (2011) censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jan 12 2011. Submitted by Vaughn from Chicago, IL, USA on Nov 03 1999.

  • extremely happy.

    Last edited on Jan 11 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Oct 03 2009.

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high ball

  • the upper range of an estimated figure.
    Send them a high ball quote.

    Last edited on Mar 05 2003. Submitted by Igne from Milwaukee, WI, USA on Mar 05 2003.

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high baller


  • a person who makes large sums of money.
    Jim's a High Baller. He produces more than the rest of us put together.

    Last edited on Jan 19 2003. Submitted by Martin K. from Vancouver, BC, Canada on Jan 19 2003.

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