The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 65 of "M" words

most def


  • "most definitely."
    Person A: Is it cool if I crash here?

    Person B: Most def.

    Last edited on Mar 22 2011. Submitted by Jamie C. from Spring Creek, Colorado Springs, CO, USA on Dec 30 1997.

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  • exclamation, pronounced "Moe" as in the guy that has a bar on the Simpsons, usually used in agreement. From the French, meaning "word."
    Person 1: That test sucked!

    Person 2: Mot!

    Last edited on Nov 13 2002. Submitted by Stephen S. from Coronado, CA 92118, USA on Nov 13 2002.

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  • to move with hipness, style, or flair.
    We are going to motate out of here.

    Last edited on Aug 22 2013. Submitted by John A. from Snohomish, WA, USA on Feb 04 2000.

  • to move and navigate in one fluid movement.
    The exit is coming up on your left, so you need to motate on over if you are going to make it.

    Last edited on Aug 22 2013. Submitted by Tina W. Hudson on Oct 20 2009.

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verb - transitive

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  • good.
    The new Beastie's album is mother.

    Last edited on Mar 23 2010. Submitted by stickman on Sep 17 1998.


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  • highly inebriated, intoxicated to a maximum degree.
    Let's go get mothered!

    Last edited on Jun 17 2002. Submitted by Tracy from Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA on Jun 17 2002.

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