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Browsing page 62 of "M" words

monkey suit


  • a business suit.
    I hate that I have to wear a monkey suit at my new job.

    Last edited on Jul 11 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 09 2009.

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  • a woman's topless bathing suit that consists of a close fitting bottom. Compare with bikini. Not slang.

    Last edited on Jun 12 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12 2016.

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monokini Judaism


  • a very liberal and permissive attitude towards sexuality that is held by many Jewish people. The monokini symbolizes sexual liberation. Compare with bikini Christianity.

    Last edited on Jun 12 2016. Submitted by Anonymous on Jun 12 2016.

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monster, the

  • HIV
    Man you got the monster.

    Last edited on May 21 1998. Submitted by peaches from CA, USA on May 21 1998.

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  • a video. Origin: a word-play on the capital of Uruguay: Montevideo.
    How about watching a monte tonight?

    Last edited on Mar 28 2013. Submitted by Simon Mackay from Melbourne, VIC, Australia on Mar 01 1998.

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