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Browsing page 21 of "P" words


  • A lumpy shaped person with narrow shoulders and a big ass\stomach

    Last edited on Aug 08 2009. Submitted by Bob Mcgovern from Illinois 62704, USA on Aug 08 2009.


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  • an under-aged, attractive, promiscuous female.
    He jumped on Pebbles last night.

    Last edited on Sep 14 1997. Submitted by JB Chambers from New York, NY, USA on Sep 14 1997.

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  • pectoral muscle.

    Citation from "In God we Trust", Arrested Development (TV), Season 1 Episode 7 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Dec 23 2010. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Sep 14 2009.

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pecker checker


  • urologist
    He went to a pecker checker for treatment of his impotence.

    Last edited on Jul 03 2009. Submitted by Anonymous on Jul 03 2009.

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