The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 52 of "R" words



  • common pronunciation of the acronym ROFL.

    Last edited on Apr 11 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jan 22 2010.

  • in addition to being the common speech pronunciation of ROFL, it has looped back to the written word (especially online / cell phone communication) as an alternative way of writing "ROFL".
    Person A: <something funny>

    Person B: roffle!

    Last edited on Apr 11 2011. Submitted by Walter Rader (Editor) from Sacramento, CA, USA on Jan 22 2010.

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verb - ambitransitive

  • to have sex. British slang.
    Yea, I admit it. I roger every once in a while. I feel no shame.

    Citation from "Oh hi, Kate, you look great! Loving what you've done with your hair, babes", Mirror Online, 1 Oct 2010 censored in hope of resolving Google's penalty against this site.

    Last edited on Jul 19 2013. Submitted by Dick Wright-Upham from Wellington, New Zealand on Dec 08 2010.

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  • Bad person, moron, idiot.
    The boss is a total roid.

    Last edited on Jul 11 1998. Submitted by Matthew D. from Los Angeles, CA, USA on Jul 11 1998.

  • a person who uses anabolic steroids for body-building. a person who angers easily and seems to have an automatic, angry reaction.
    You shouldn't have to apologize to a roid.

    Last edited on May 23 2002. Submitted by Sierra S. from Boulder, CO, USA on May 23 2002.

  • Calling someone a hemorrhoid or pain in the ass.
    You're such a roid.

    Last edited on May 16 2011. Submitted by Patrick v. on Jan 22 2006.


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roid juicer


  • a person who "juices" "roids". That is: "takes anabolic steroids" "anabolic steroids". (Redundant term.)

    Last edited on Aug 02 2010. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 02 2010.

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Roley bling

  • a Rolex watch. I think this word first came from a J-Lo song.
    Check out that roley bling on his wrist!

    Last edited on Mar 12 2013. Submitted by Eric S. from Walla Walla, WA, USA on Nov 13 2002.

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