The Online Slang Dictionary
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Browsing page 146 of "S" words


  • Sike naw
    You trying to do something, sn.

    Last edited on Dec 02 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Dec 02 2018.


  • acronym for "send nudes".
    Grant sent the following message to Jessica to start their conversation on Tinder: hey hottie, can you sn?

    Last edited on Mar 07 2018. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 22 2017.


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  • attractive female or male. Quality of being a "snack" - snackiness. Potential of being a "snack" - snackability. Adjective forms - snacky, snackilicious. v. snack (as in, Man, I'd love to snack on him for a bit!) Variation: n. snackycakes (pet name).
    The boy I like is a total snack!

    Last edited on May 18 2011. Submitted by Aimee B. from NJ, USA on Feb 11 1999.


  • an attractive young guy.
    The guy behind the bar was snacky.

    Last edited on Mar 12 2006. Submitted by James P. on Mar 12 2006.

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snack boy

  • a handsome but unintelligent young man with whom one would like to have a casual sexual relationship. The opposite of a full-meal deal.
    I'm not really interested in anything but a snack boy right now.
    This definition is questionable and is pending deletion. It will be saved from deletion if legitimate citations are found.

    Last edited on Aug 18 2017. Submitted by Anonymous from Austin, TX, USA on Sep 26 1997.

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  • annoying; rude.
    That is one snacky-ass bitch.
    Some girls are snacky with guys.

    Last edited on Aug 17 2011. Submitted by Kathy A. from Dallas, TX, USA on Jan 09 2002.

  • snippy, irritable, Maybe from southern Ohio? I learned this one from my Mom.
    The child got snacky with me when I asked him to take out the trash.

    Last edited on Feb 22 2003. Submitted by Holly C. on Feb 22 2003.

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  • To borrow. Usually applied to a small and/or insignificant item. The implication is sometimes that the item may not be returned for the foreseeable future, e.g. "He's got a new stapler wasn't using his old one, so I snaffled it."
    Can I snaffle that, please?

    Last edited on Feb 06 2003. Submitted by Ceri from Surrey, UK on Feb 06 2003.

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snaggle tooth

  • teeth that are very crooked.
    That girl is cute but she has bad snaggle tooth.

    Last edited on Nov 14 2005. Submitted by matt w. from Orlando, FL, USA on Nov 14 2005.

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snag out

  • Making out
    They were really "snagging out.

    Last edited on Jan 11 2004. Submitted by Terry T. from Lukachukai, AZ, USA on Jan 11 2004.

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