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Browsing page 76 of "T" words

to do the Martin


  • to go somewhere and come back without telling anybody

    Last edited on Aug 09 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 09 2021.


  • Synonyms: One can also say "To pull a Martin"

    "Dude, I haven't seen you in months, did you pull a Martin?"

    Last edited on Aug 28 2021. Submitted by Anonymous on Aug 28 2021.

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to' down


  • upset, grieving. 2. sick, ill. 3. very intoxicated. Diminutive of torn down.
    We all got to' down when he showed up with the keg.
    He's been to' down since she dumped him.

    Last edited on Jun 07 2013. Submitted by Mike W. from Chattanooga, TN, USA on Mar 31 1998.

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  • disturbingly unattractive; ugly.
    Talk about heinous. Could that girl look more toe?

    Last edited on Feb 25 2018. Submitted by Jesse R. from Boston, MA, USA on Nov 11 1998.

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toed up

  • extremely inebriated.
    Let's go to the bar and get toed up!

    Last edited on May 14 1998. Submitted by Dale M. from Calgary, AB, Canada on May 14 1998.

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toe fangs

  • overhang of the toes caused by an individual who wears sandals or open toe shoes regardless of the shoe size in relationship to their actual shoe size.

    Last edited on Mar 21 2016. Submitted by Laura C. from Blue Bell, PA, USA on Sep 25 2006.

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  • an objectionable person

    Last edited on Jun 17 2003. Submitted by Dylan H. from Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK on Jun 17 2003.

  • sock

    Last edited on Jun 17 2003. Submitted by Dylan H. from Oxford, Oxfordshire, UK on Jun 17 2003.

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toes up


  • inebriated.
    We went out and got toes up.

    Last edited on Jun 07 2007. Submitted by Elizabeth Gernon from Madison, WI, USA on Jun 07 2007.

  • Dead. Referring to how the bodies of corpses in the morgue are completely draped with a sheet, except for their bare feet protruding from the far end, usually tagged with an identification.
    Keep fooling around with that street gang of yours, and you'll end up toes up.

    Last edited on Sep 03 2011. Submitted by Anonymous on Sep 03 2011.

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toe the line

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